The existing policies and internal organizational acts related to the environmental area include, among others:
- Integrated Management System Policy – a document describing the working standards for quality assurance, reduction of environmental impacts, health and safety at work and information security.
- PKN ORLEN Energy Policy – a document describing the approach to improving the Company’s energy performance, containing declarations on energy optimisation and ensuring energy security.
- Food Safety Policy at PKN ORLEN – a document describing the working standards for food safety.
- Procedure for environmental monitoring and keeping records of the Responsible Care Programme indicators – ensures proper monitoring of air, groundwater on and in the vicinity of the premises of the Płock production plant and on the premises of fuel terminals, as well as of sewage generated at fuel terminals. Records of the Responsible Care Programme indicators are kept as part of the Responsible Care Framework Management System implemented at the Group.
- Integrated Permits for the IPPC installations at PKN ORLEN: Refining, petrochemical, CHP units, CCGT units, and wastewater treatment plant on the premises of the Płock production plant, and the PTA and CCGT plants in Włocławek.
- CO2 procedure – lays down the principles of the carbon dioxide emission monitoring and reporting system.
- Waste management procedure – defines activities related to recording, storage, collection and disposal of waste generated in refining, power generation, storage, auxiliary and security processes.
- Internal order on the rules and procedures for managing expenditures and provision for land surface remediation and the procedures for remediation projects at Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spółka Akcyjna.
- Procedure for identifying environmental aspects and determining material aspects – defines the process of identification, determination of materiality and periodic reviews of environmental aspects as well as allocation of responsibility for these activities.
- Fulfilment of REMIT obligations by PKN ORLEN – this document sets out, in particular, the rules of conduct applicable to insiders and the procedure of disclosing inside information to the public.
- Rules of conduct relating to regulations on introducing restrictions in the supply and consumption of electricity in the territory of the Republic of Poland – the objective is to safeguard the operations of PKN ORLEN if restrictions are imposed by the state authorities.
- Instruction on forecasting and balancing requirements for energy utilities – MEBiP for organisational units located in Płock, the PTA plant in Włocławek and external customers – the goal is to keep a proper balance of consumption of energy utilities in specific areas of PKN ORLEN and by external customers connected to the power grid.
- Rules for managing and trading in electricity and the related property rights – this document sets out the rules for managing and trading in electricity and property rights at PKN ORLEN as part of GAHE (Active Energy Trading Platform). The regulation applies to the ORLEN Group companies operating within GAHE as well.
- Rules for the performance of the Energy Trading and Technical Operator tasks – include processes involved in trading in electricity, property rights in certificates of origin for electricity, energy efficiency certificates, guarantees of origin, the related energy ranges and ancillary services.
- Detailed rules for recognition of qualifications held by persons involved in the operation of power equipment, units and networks at PKN ORLEN – include the types of work and positions, as well as power equipment, units and networks in the case of which the operator is required to have specific qualifications; the scope of knowledge required to obtain recognition of qualifications held by persons involved in the operation of power equipment, units and networks; and the qualifications verification procedure.
The environmental objectives are set out in PKN ORLEN’s Integrated Management System Policy. Our activities are carried out based on the Integrated Management System, which includes the Quality Management System (ISO 9001: 2015, AQAP 2110), Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015), Occupational Health And Safety Management System (ISO 45001), Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC 27001), Energy Management System (ISO 50001) ,Certification System for Biomass and Biofuels ISCC, KZR INiG certification system for the HVO process, Factory Production Control System (ZKP) – for bitumen production, and Food Safety Management System (HACCP) according to Codex Alimentarius. The Company has valid certificates of conformity to ISO 9001: 2015, AQAP 2110, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 50001, ISCC, KZR INiG and ZKP. These systems meet the highest international management standards and support the Company’s day-to-day efforts to ensure professional customer service and maintain top quality, safety, health protection and environmental standards. The key ORLEN Group companies have Integrated Management Systems in place, which include an Environmental Management System implemented and maintained in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard as their integral part. The Group companies also follow Integrated Management System/ Environmental Management System Policies, providing for an obligation to protect the environment, which includes pollution prevention, and other specific obligations relevant to the operations of individual companies. These policies also include a requirement to comply with the law and other external and internal requirements.
Environmental Management Systems |
ORLEN Group companies |
ISO 14001 certificate |
PKN ORLEN, ORLEN Lietuva Group, Unipetrol ORLEN Group, Anwil, Basell Orlen Polyolefins, ORLEN Południe Group, ORLEN Oil, ORLEN Paliwa, ORLEN Asfalt, ORLEN Serwis, ORLEN Upstream, ORLEN Laboratorium, ORLEN Eko, IKS Solino, ORLEN KolTrans, ORLEN Administracja, ORLEN Centrum Serwisowe, ORLEN Projekt |
Elements of the environmental management system implemented as part of the JIG industry standards requirements |
ORLEN Aviation |
Implemented environmental protection principles, including on waste management control |
ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych, ORLEN Ochrona |
ENERGA Group |