We provide fair and friendly working conditions for our employees. Our relations with internal stakeholders and the external business environment are based on integrity, respect in everyday relationships and on dialogue, cooperation and involvement of each staff member in building a culture consistent with the Company’s core values.
Activities related to employee matters are mainly carried out in the Humar Resources area.
Responsibilities of the HR function include:
- recruitment, development and retention of key management staff to ensure achievement of strategic objectives;
- development and implementation of policies, principles and standards in human resources management, in particular: recruitment, adaptation, development and training, hiring and dismissal of employees, compensation systems, bonuses, perquisites, social benefits, collective bargaining agreements;
- supervision over the setting of bonus-related targets for key management staff;
- shaping social relation standards in the organisation;
- preparing proposals of redundancy benefits for employees affected by workforce restructuring measures;
- coordination, planning and spending under the budgets for employee compensation and bonus systems (including incentive schemes), training, recruitment and costs of other HR management tools and systems;
- human resources management, in particular: recruitment, onboarding, development and training, hiring and dismissal of employees, compensation systems, bonuses, perquisites, social benefits, collective bargaining agreements;
- drafting and implementation of collective labour regulations at PKN ORLEN and development of related standards for the ORLEN Group;
- communication with company trade unions and coordination of activities with regard to collective bargaining agreements and social matters;
- development, maintenance and application of the Remuneration Policy for Members of Management and Supervisory Boards of ORLEN Group Companies.
Policiesand internal regulations
The policies and internal regulations concerning the employee area include:
Code of Ethics - defines the values, principles of conduct and rules that set ethical standards for all ORLEN Group employees, based on a revised approach to understanding ORLEN values: Responsibility, Progress, People, Energy, and Dependability, as well as the current scale - or operations and operating strategy,the requirements of the Group's environment and best practices in the field of business ethics. It contains provisions concerning, inter alia, respect for diversity, including fair treatment of all employees regardless of their age, gender, position, religion, nationality or beliefs, equal opportunities for personal and professional development, as well as responsibility for building an ethical, safe and friendly workplace. It also includes provisions discussing ethical and responsible attitudes towards all stakeholders, including: employees, consumers, business partners and local communities. Moreover, it is a document supporting the implementation of ORLEN 2030 business strategy.
Collective Bargaining Agreements and Work Rules –agreed between employers and employees represented by trade unions, they are the primary source of labour law for individual ORLEN Group companies. They play a significant role in defining the employment relationships and mutual obligations of employers, employees and trade unions. In addition, they set forth, respectively, work process organisation and policies and the principles of remuneration and other employee benefits.
ORLEN Group Human Resources Management Policy – sets out the priorities and key tasks defined relying on best market practices, reflecting market challenges and trends in human capital development. The Policy defines activities in such areas as reinforcement of the Group’s corporate culture, segment-based management, employee development, compensation and employee benefits, and performance management, to name just some.
ORLEN Group Age Management Policy – describes the practices and tools implemented by PKN ORLEN and ORLEN Group companies to maintain the continuity and efficiency of their business processes by preventing competence gaps and securing knowledge and skill transfers in the face of current and projected demographic shifts on the labour market.
Remuneration Policy for Members of Management and Supervisory Boards of ORLEN Group Companies – ensures that the salary cap act is complied with by the ORLEN Group. The document sets out the approach to HR decisions in connection with the corporate supervision, guaranteeing that the process of appointing and remunerating management board and supervisory body members at the ORLEN Group companies is compliant with the provisions of the Act on Rules of Remunerating Persons Managing Certain Companies. In order to maintain a common HR policy within the Group, key performance indicators, including ‘Employment and labour cost effectiveness’, are additionally addressed in the objective setting and reporting system for the Group’s management board members.
Bonus System Rules – the PKN ORLEN Management Board, Management Boards of other ORLEN Group companies, as well as directors reporting directly to the Management Board and PKN ORLEN employees are covered by bonus schemes. The key positions at the ORLEN Group are rewarded based on the annual bonus system: the bonus is granted for achieving individual qualitative and quantitative targets, which are reviewed after the end of the year for which they were set. Other PKN ORLEN employees are rewarded based on one of the following three bonus schemes: a quarterly/annual, quarterly, or monthly scheme. The process of target setting and reporting, and of bonus granting is standardised on an ongoing basis to ensure that the bonuses have an incentive effect.
Corporate Social Benefit Activity Rules – define the scope of social benefits and the rules for granting such benefits to the current and former employees of PKN ORLEN and its subsidiaries covered by agreements on the joint social benefits programme, as well as the employees’ family members. Additionally, PKN ORLEN offers a uniform employee benefits package to employees of all ORLEN Group companies participating in the joint social benefits programme.
Well-Being Policy – offers key solutions to improve the quality of life and broadly defined employee well-being, and is broken down into several areas: wellness, work comfort, work satisfaction, work-life balance, external environment. Well-being within the organisation means continuous and dynamic management of employee well-being by addressing employee needs in every dimension.
Expatriate Policy sets out the rules of secondment of employees to foreign ORLEN Group companies with respect to hiring and agreeing on contract terms and benefits for expats at PKN ORLEN S.A. and other ORLEN Group companies.
ORLEN Group best employee mobility practices allow the Group to leverage its internal capabilities. Mobility at the ORLEN Group supports the key business objectives, fosters a corporate culture aligned with the ORLEN Group's values and rules of conduct and allows the Group to leverage the capabilities and potential of its employees in an effective manner. Mobility is also aligned with the Group’s strategic plans to build human capital with extensive professional experience in the long-term.
Employee Onboarding Policy – is aligned with the objectives of the Employee Onboarding Programme supporting effective introduction of new hires to new conditions, tasks, responsibilities, and the work environment, while familiarising them with the Company’s procedures and rules, including the Code of Ethics.
Employee Pension Plan – guarantees additional financial resources to PKN ORLEN Employees, to be used once they leave employment and retire. The basic contribution under the scheme is funded by the employer, while the employee has the option to fund an additional contribution.
Employee Savings Plan – a pension and savings scheme enabling PKN ORLEN employees to save additional funds for their future pension on favourable market terms.
Employee Capital Plan (PPK) – a long-term retirement savings scheme, with the option to disburse the funds early or after the Employee turns 60. Savings in PPK accounts constitute the employee’s fully private and heritable financial capital. PPK contributions originate from three sources: the employee, the employer and the state.
Pay on Request – a benefit which gives Employees quick and easy access to their salaries before pay day.
Legal Benefit – a service offering access to unlimited legal advice on personal matters provided by email and telephone, including family and civil law, real estate purchases and rentals, as well as consumer complaints, relations with banks and insurers, traffic incidents, contacts with authorities in administrative proceedings, to name just some.
Cafeteria – an online platform allowing Employees to manage their benefits according to their personal needs. They can redeem points obtained from the Employer for a broad range of benefits.
Academy of Personal Finance – a series of practical training courses aimed at building the financial awareness of employees, improving their understanding of planning and household budget management and developing healthy financial habits.
MyCar – a car-related benefit offered as an alternative to a company car. It is a monthly cash benefit for the purchase or rental of a private car for business purposes, equivalent to the lease payment for a company car. In addition, MyCar beneficiaries are provided with a shopping card to pay for fuel, non-fuel products and services at ORLEN service stations within a predefined limit.
ORLEN Passion – a scheme designed in response to the needs of employees who wish to pursue and develop their hobbies and out-of-work passions. With the funding offered by the company, they are able to take up activities which often require support.
Master Benefit and Car Platforms – car benefits supporting car rentals.
Discount Chocolate – a set of discounts integrated into the Comfort package of benefits. Its purpose is to create an environment providing employees with a sense of safety and stability and supporting the work-life balance. It offers virtual space for employees to access all available discounts: for computer hardware, PZU insurance products, Apple products, hotel discounts, bicycle purchases, cinema tickets, the Individual Car Financing Programme, mobile postpaid plans, veterinary care packages, health-enhancing services, banking products, purchases of spectacles.
Policy for Assisting Employees During Crises – defines the rules for supporting employees going through some personal crises. In providing support, the employer takes into account the particular occurrence, the type and scale of damage or loss sustained, as well as the personal and financial circumstances of the affected employee. Depending on the above criteria, the employee may be provided with financial, medical, psychological or legal assistance.
Psychological Support at the Workplace – the purpose of this practice is to provide psychological support and assistance to employees and their immediate family members in difficult professional and private life situations. The practice is run by the Occupational Psychology Centre, which is a unit of PKN ORLEN. Offers assistance in emergencies. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a psychologist on duty to support the mental health of employees. The practice supports the Company’s policy for assisting employees during crises.
Internal Order on Programmes Dedicated to PKN ORLEN Employees, Their Families and Former PKN ORLEN Employees – sets out the terms of the ‘Family Friendly Employer’ Programme, as part of which employees receive additional childcare leave (for children up to 3 years of age/children with disabilities up to 24 years of age), a gift for a newborn baby, a place in a nursery, etc. The order includes provisions applicable to long service jubilees, retirement and birthdays of former employees. It sets out the rules governing initiatives for employees celebrating long service or those retiring, as well as pensioners celebrating their 70th, 75th, 80th, 85th and following birthdays.
Policy Defining the Work Conditions and Rules for the Disabled – the objective of this policy is to provide the disabled with equal opportunities in the workplace, taking into account the type and degree of disability, enabling disabled persons to obtainand maintain adequate employment, return to work, receive promotion, as well as support the disabled in independent living and their integration with other employees.
Restructuring Agreement with Trade Unions – sets out the rules of cooperation between social partners in restructuring processes and the employees’ rights in such processes.
ORLEN Group Training Rules – the rules governing provision of employee training. The purpose of training management is to support implementation of the business strategy, assist employees in their development, and build appropriate corporate culture. Each ORLEN Group company creates conditions for its employees to develop their skills, qualifications, knowledge and competences.
In 2020, the ORLEN Group’s hiring policy was focused on recruiting top quality specialists for both day-to-day tasks and strategic projects. Acquisition of the ENERGA Group (9,731 people) and RUCH Group (407 people) in 2020 and expansion of the ORLEN Group’s power generation, petrochemicals, maintenance services, IT and retail areas led to a year-on-year increase in total workforce by 11,040 people to 33,377 employees. In 2020, the average annualised workforce at the ORLEN Group was 32,792, an increase by 10,966 employees year on year.
Basicemployment data
Employee relations KPIs* |
UoM |
ORLEN Group |
2020 |
2019 |
Headcount, including: |
[persons] |
32,960 |
22,337 |
[persons] |
5,727 |
5,447 |
ENERGA Group |
[persons] |
9,731 |
- |
Unipetrol Group |
[persons] |
4,930 |
4,913 |
ORLEN Serwis Group |
[persons] |
2,441 |
2,216 |
[persons] |
1,485 |
1,364 |
ORLEN Lietuva Group |
[persons] |
1,446 |
1,429 |
ORLEN Ochrona Group |
[persons] |
1,394 |
1,382 |
Other |
[persons] |
5,806 |
5,586 |
Workforce by gender, including: |
Women |
[%] |
27 |
27 |
Women |
[persons] |
8,799 |
Men |
[%] |
73 |
73 |
Men |
[persons] |
24,161 |
Workforce by type of job, including: |
White-collar staff |
[%] |
52 |
46 |
White-collar staff |
[persons] |
15,817 |
Blue-collar staff |
[%] |
48 |
54 |
Blue-collar staff |
[persons] |
17,143 |
Workforce by education, including*: |
Tertiary |
[%] |
45 |
41 |
Tertiary |
[persons] |
14,796 |
Secondary |
[%] |
37 |
38 |
Secondary |
[persons] |
12,089 |
Vocational |
[%] |
16 |
19 |
Vocational |
[persons] |
5,377 |
Primary |
[%] |
2 |
2 |
Primary |
[persons] |
698 |
Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, including: |
Polish companies |
[%] |
70 |
73 |
Foreign companies |
[%] |
86 |
92 |
Trade unions - trade union membership |
[%] |
48 |
39 |
Company Social Benefits Fund (data for PKN ORLEN and companies – shared social activities), including: |
[persons] |
32,579 |
28,333 |
Employees |
[persons] |
13,689 |
12,654 |
Former employees |
[persons] |
7,709 |
6,750 |
Family members |
[persons] |
11,181 |
8,929 |
Average training hours per employee, including: |
Women |
[number] |
17.0 |
23.4 |
Men |
[number] |
15.0 |
25.2 |
Managers |
[number] |
23.2 |
38.5 |
Non-managers |
[number] |
14.6 |
23.7 |
Other employee data for 2019 and 2020*:
Employee relations KPIs* |
UoM |
ORLEN Group |
2020 |
2019 |
Employees by type of contract and gender: |
Open-ended contract |
Women |
[number] |
7,603 |
5,014 |
Men |
[number] |
21,034 |
14,159 |
Fixed-term contract |
Women |
[number] |
923 |
744 |
Men |
[number] |
2,696 |
1,833 |
Probationary period contract |
Women |
[number] |
136 |
114 |
Men |
[number] |
375 |
326 |
Temporary substitution |
Women |
[number] |
137 |
106 |
Men |
[number] |
56 |
41 |
Employees by type of contract and region: |
Open-ended contract |
Czech Republic |
[number] |
4,827 |
4,576 |
Canada |
[number] |
43 |
43 |
Niemcy |
[number] |
191 |
169 |
Litwa |
[number] |
2,126 |
2,073 |
Poland |
[number] |
21,450 |
12,312 |
Fixed-term contract |
Czech Republic |
[number] |
495 |
593 |
Canada |
[number] |
3 |
3 |
Germany |
[number] |
4 |
4 |
Lithuania |
[number] |
36 |
20 |
Poland |
[number] |
3,081 |
1,957 |
Probationary period contract |
Czech Republic |
[number] |
122 |
141 |
Canada |
[number] |
0 |
0 |
Germany |
[number] |
23 |
12 |
Lithuania |
[number] |
24 |
19 |
Poland |
[number] |
342 |
268 |
Temporary substitution |
Czech Republic |
[number] |
0 |
1 |
Canada |
[number] |
2 |
0 |
Germany |
[number] |
1 |
0 |
Lithuania |
[number] |
0 |
7 |
Poland |
[number] |
190 |
139 |
Employees by employment type and gender: |
Full-time |
Women |
[number] |
8,658 |
5,875 |
Men |
[number] |
24,043 |
16,286 |
Part-time |
Women |
[number] |
141 |
103 |
Men |
[number] |
118 |
73 |
New hires by age, gender and region: |
3,233 |
3,158 |
Age |
below 30 |
[number] |
1,068 |
1,046 |
30 - 50 |
[number] |
1,765 |
1,642 |
over 50 |
[number] |
400 |
470 |
Gender |
Women |
[number] |
934 |
936 |
Men |
[number] |
2,299 |
2,222 |
Regions |
Czech Republic |
[number] |
871 |
732 |
Canada |
[number] |
6 |
4 |
Germany |
[number] |
43 |
33 |
Lithuania |
[number] |
350 |
354 |
Poland |
[number] |
1,963 |
2,035 |
Hires rate** |
[%] |
9.8 |
14.1 |
Employee turnover*** |
[%] |
7.7 |
8.9 |
Age |
below 30 |
[%] |
12.7 |
15.2 |
30 - 50 |
[%] |
5.9 |
7.0 |
over 50 |
[%] |
9.1 |
10.0 |
Gender |
Women |
[%] |
10.2 |
10.2 |
Men |
[%] |
6.8 |
8.4 |
Regions |
[%] |
Czech Republic |
[%] |
10.9 |
11.9 |
Canada |
[%] |
8.3 |
21.7 |
Germany |
[%] |
12.3 |
17.3 |
Lithuania |
[%] |
13.6 |
11.8 |
Poland |
[%] |
6.5 |
7.2 |
* For information on indicators realting to the structure of the governance bodies and the workforce by employee category, gender, age and other indicators of diversity, see Diversity policy.
** Hires rate - the proportion of temporary work contracts at the ORLEN Group in negligble and they are used on an as needed basis.
*** Employee turnover – employee turnover rates at the ORLEN Group are similiar to those recorded in 2019.
Indicators on the composition of supervisory bodies and workforce broken down by employee category by gender, age and other diversity indicators are available in the ‘Diversity Policy’ section.
The proportion of temporary work contracts at the ORLEN Group is negligible and they are used on an as needed basis.
Employee turnover rates at the ORLEN Group are similar to those recorded in 2019.
Employee satisfaction and engagement KPIs at PKN ORLEN and ORLEN Group
We conduct an engagement and satisfaction survey at PKN ORLEN once every three years. The most recent survey was made in 2019. The engagement rate for PKN ORLEN was 64%, while the overall employee satisfaction ratio was 77%.
In 2020, in line with the survey follow-up strategy, employee workshops were held in order to discuss the survey findings and to jointly develop and implement engagement-building initiatives for employees.
Employee engagement and satisfaction survey |
UoM |
2019 |
2017 |
Number of ORLEN Group companies surveyed |
[x] |
22 |
16 |
Number of respondents – PKN ORLEN |
[x] |
4,192 |
4,005 |
Employee engagement rate |
[%] |
64 |
65 |
Job satisfaction rate |
[%] |
77 |
73 |
The rules of remuneration in place at PKN ORLEN are laid down in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The main components of remuneration are base pay (determined according to the Pay Grade Table and Base Pay Table) and a bonus. Employees are covered by monthly, quarterly, quarterly/annual or annual bonus schemes, depending on positions held.
Employees are also entitled to receive an extra annual bonus for achievement of solidarity targets, and a number of allowances, including shift-work allowance, chemical emergency service allowance, or expat allowance. For particularly outstanding achievements, an employee may be awarded a prize, financed from the Employer Prize Fund.
In 2020, the ORLEN Group companies implemented consistent rules for granting awards from the Employer Prize Fund (a formal document) and deployed ‘Wniosek IT’, an e-application within the SSEGK system to run the award process in line with the rules.
Furthermore, investment projects are and will be an important feature of the ORLEN Group’s Strategy and positioning efforts. An additional incentive scheme was created within the Employer Prize Fund in order to reward and incentivise key employees who are expected to pursue the most demanding investment goals. The scheme targets the Company’s areas and employees with the strongest impact on the Company’s investment projects and performance.
In 2020, a Collective Bargaining Agreement was negotiated at Energomedia, and the Remuneration Rules for ORLEN Upstream were amended. In addition, remuneration principles were worked out for the ORLEN Foundation, which are to take effect in 2021.
In 2020, PKN ORLEN entered into a pay agreement for 2020, which provided for obligatory base pay rises of PLN 300 for employees graded 1 to 8 and an extra pool of PLN 100 per employee for further allocation of merit increases. Furthermore, Christmas bonuses totalling PLN 3,500 were agreed. Pay agreements were signed at all ORLEN Group companies. They were adapted to each company’s financial capabilities and additionally depended on its position on the pay market.
In 2020, the average gross monthly remuneration (including base pay, bonuses, awards, lump-sum allowances and overtime) at the ORLEN Group was PLN 8,486.
Job grade |
Female-to-male total pay ratio at PKN ORLEN in 2020 |
Clerk |
97% |
Specialist |
106% |
Manager |
111% |
Project Manager |
102% |
Sales |
103% |
Collective BargainingAgreement
The Collective Bargaining Agreement is a social contract, being a source of labour law, that has been reached through negotiations between the Employer and Trade Unions. It is an HR constitution of sorts that sanctions a motivating and coherent remuneration and bonus system, sets standards for Employer-Employee relationships and provides norms governing an equal partnership between the Employer and Trade Unions.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement regulates the broad-based labour relations management concept in accordance with applicable laws and best market practices. It is an element of integration and harmonisation of industrial relations, supporting execution of business processes. It is an effective and objective tool for regulating HR management policies, with a particular focus on the hiring, promotion and remuneration systems, by applying transparent solutions regarding the pay scale, base pay and bonus system.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement enables effective and open dialogue with social partners by regulating important issues concerning collaboration with trade unions.
Employees’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, whereunder the Employer:
- recognises the Trade Unions active at PKN ORLEN as representatives of all employees in matters concerning their collective rights and interests, within the scope defined by laws of general application,
- has agreed to respect the freedom of activity and equality of trade unions and does not discriminate against employees on the grounds of trade union membership or non-membership.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines general rules governing negotiation of annual pay rises, cooperation between the Employer and the Trade Unions in restructuring matters, and negotiation of matters relating to the Agreement.

Development of the human resources functions and standardisation of processes across the ORLEN Group
HR and payroll solutions at the ORLEN Group evolve continually so as to effectively support its business processes. Based on the HR policy for the ORLEN Group, HR and payroll processes at the Transaction Centre are optimised on an ongoing basis. IT systems are developed to streamline staff administration activities and improve the efficiency of HR processes in the Group. In 2020, a project team consisting of representatives of various functions and companies continued a project aimed at standardising HR processes across the ORLEN Group. The digitisation of PKN ORLEN S.A. and ORLEN Group HR and payroll services continued throughout 2020. An application supporting the onboarding process at the ORLEN Group was further developed, and so was the ORLEN Group’s cafeteria system, which was also deployed in other Group companies. KCP, a work time planning and reporting tool, was implemented in further ORLEN Group companies, resulting in further standardisation and improvement of efficiency of the working time management process. The continuous development of HR functions combined with process digitisation improve the HR processes, guaranteeing their high quality and transparency. The pandemic in 2020 showed that HR digitisation was the most appropriate development focus for HR functions and enabled the ORLEN Group to adapt to new needs and requirements, including home office arrangements, in a very short time frame. All recruitment processes, image-building efforts and a complete range of training and development activities were carried out remotely, providing employees with uninterrupted access to training and development opportunities. Recruitment processes and campaigns were communicated on social media and career sites and by attending online events. Knowledge-sharing and employer branding activities (presence at universities – the ORLEN Knowledge Days) were also carried out remotely.
Human resources management policy
People are invariably one of the key pillars of the ORLEN Group’s strategy. Activities carried out in 2020 focused on consistent implementation of the HR policy to help build an experienced team of professionals and develop leadership skills among the management staff. The focus was also on enhancing employee commitment, introducing a recruitment process standard at the ORLEN Group, and deploying the Competency Model and Career Development Session process across the Group. It was a priority in 2020 to further build the image of an employer of choice, for instance by expanding the reach of our internship programmes. The choice of employee benefits within the cafeteria programme was also expanded. An Age Management Policy was implemented at PKN ORLEN and other ORLEN Group companies.
Development and training
We consistently implemented our HR policy ambitions throughout 2020. We continued projects designed to build competencies of today and of the future, as we actively looked for new forms and methods of development.
To meet new needs, in particular those arising from the threat of coronavirus, development activities in 2020 were mainly implemented in an online format. In addition, we expanded the educational materials library of our internal e-learning platform, and implemented a gamification system created by a partner start-up to use artificial intelligence in the advancement of employee skills and qualifications. We plan to continue the development of these learning formats in the coming years.
In 2020, emphasis was placed on building the innovation and project work competencies, for which the gamification project was launched. A number of activities were focused on enhancing data science, project management and diversity management competencies. We continued employee and management training in anti-corruption policies, as well as projects designed to develop skills and attitudes relating to ethics and values, collaboration and stress management, which are a permanent feature of our development programmes.
Training activities also included training dedicated to the needs of particular business areas.
Given the continuing pandemic, special focus was placed on dealing with difficult emotions and situations and discussing ways to support employees. Online lectures were delivered and materials on the subject were added to our online library. Providing psychological support for employees and preparing managers for the new reality was one of the priorities in our training efforts.
A further edition of the Career Development Session programme was held in 2020 as a proven formula for building a culture based on partnership and feedback. The Career Development Sessions result in the creation of individual career plans for the employees based on the identification of their development needs in the context of the Company’s business objectives. Apart from being a tool used to identify development needs, the project supports a culture of openness and dialogue.
We continued a management staff development programme centred on fostering engaging leadership, value-based management, performance improvement and building multifaceted collaboration and innovation on a team. In 2020, the range of topics was expanded to include working with a distributed (virtual) team. Newly promoted managers also undergo training to prepare for their new role, which is essentially part of the management staff development programme.
Professional advancement options addressed to managers included training in the field of mentoring and feedback skills, preventing workplace bullying, labour law and business and management ethics. Those projects demonstrate the Company’s particular concern for management based on ethics and respect for corporate values.
In addition, the Group employees benefited from a wide range of diversified development activities. They attended tailored training events (both open and closed), designed specifically to address the needs of a given area or employee, as well as postgraduate courses, or MBA programmes. In addition, they were offered opportunities to broaden and share their knowledge of the market through participation in trade conferences and events.
As in previous years, we continued initiatives fostering a culture of work safety, includingeducational projects, mandatory training and post-graduate courses dedicated specifically to PKN ORLEN, such as those focused on skills necessary to operate power generation units.
Employees also improved their foreign languages skills as part of the PKN ORLEN Language Academy and summer English courses. Training and development activities were carried out not only on a classroom basis, but also as e-learning courses.

Age management policy at the ORLEN Group
In 2020, we continued activities under the ORLEN Group Age Management Policy implemented last year. The goal of the Policy is to address the negative effects of demographic changes on the labour market. Activities in this area focus, among other things, on raising the management staff’s awareness of age management, promoting intergenerational diversity and communication, facilitating knowledge and skill transfer, employer branding efforts in relations with the outside world, especially with the local labour market, universities and schools, building successor competencies within the company, implementing dedicated staff development and mentoring programmes, and undertaking preventive healthcare measures. In order to manage this process, a dedicated application was designed and deployed within the ORLEN Group to support the succession planning process and track the recruitment requirements and development needs of the identified successors.
Image-building activities
In 2020, we carried out the Employer’s Brand Ambassador programme to reinforce our image as an attractive employer, which included communicating PKN ORLEN’s strengths as an employer and building personal employee brands to show the people who form the ORLEN Group.The programme is based on promoting projects implemented by project ambassadors, which includes fostering the image and reputation of the employer’s brand, while identifying the key areas of their activities, processes and innovation, showcasing the contribution of employees to the company’s strategy. The primary activities of the programme are reaching out to the prospective candidates, building satisfaction and pride, improving employee identification with the employer and raising employee awareness of the broadly defined ORLEN products and services. Participation in the Ambassador programme offers many long-term benefits involving personal brand development, career development opportunities, greater recognition and an opportunity to improve one’s knowledge. The Ambassadors are employees, interns and partners: representatives of universities, student research groups and student organisations. All persons involved in the programme are proud of their work, popular and recognised by their colleagues and professional communities.
Furthermore, as part of the image-building efforts, PKN ORLEN’s solutions and practices were promoted through social media and partnerships with external companies – employer branding activities relating to the Well.HR report and cooperation with the Dream Employer programme – promoting ORLEN’s employees, solutions and best practices through participation in webinars, podcasts, debates, or offering expert commentaries.
Social dialogueand employee benefits
The ORLEN Group believes in social dialogue based on independence of the parties, legal compliance, as well as trust, mutual willingness to compromise, and observance of the rules. The rules of social dialogue are founded on internal regulations and generally applicable laws, which facilitates development of constructive and lasting solutions in partnership with employee representatives.
The ORLEN Group offers employee benefits, which include co-financing of employee holidays or sanatorium treatment, childcare, holidays for children and teenagers, and school starter kits. Christmas gifts for employees’ children have already become a tradition across the Group. The employer provides financial support for families with low incomes. Our employees may also apply for partial financing of sports and recreational activities, cultural and educational activities, or physical therapy treatments, as well as non-repayable allowances and repayable housing loans. PKN ORLEN offers a uniform employee benefits package to employees of all ORLEN Group companies participating in the joint social benefits programme, which as at December 31st 2020 covered 23 Group companies. All personnel employed under employment contracts, whether full-time or part-time, are entitled to benefits from the PKN ORLEN Social Benefits Funds. Benefits from the Social Benefits Fund guaranteed to former employees of PKN ORLEN and other Group companies covered by the joint social benefits programme (old age pensioners, disability pensioners, persons who opted for voluntary redundancy) include: co-financing of employee holidays or sanatorium treatment, holidays for children and teenagers, school starter kits, Christmas gifts for children, non-repayable financial support, repayable housing loans and, additionally: cash allowance for low-income employees, birthday cash benefits for former employees aged 70+ (paid every five years) and 95+ (paid every year).
In 2020, the ORLEN Group implemented a common group life insurance package for all employees who declared their willingness to take out insurance. In most Group companies, the employer pays a portion of the insurance premium.
As a company implementing modern-day solutions aimed at keeping the balance between work and family life, PKN ORLEN runs the ‘Family-Friendly Employer’ programme, offering such benefits as additional two days off to care for a child under three years of age, two days off to care for a disabled child under 24 years of age, a nursery school for children of employees, one additional hour for breastfeeding, medical care during pregnancy, baby feeding rooms, gifts for newborn babies, and providing employees on parental/childcare leaves with up-to-date information on developments across the Group. Many of the components of this programme have also been implemented by other ORLEN Group companies as part of best practice sharing.
PKN ORLEN also provides extensive medical care going beyond the scope of occupational medicine. Medical plans and preventive healthcare programmes are run in cooperation with Centrum Medyczne Medica Sp. z o.o. of Płock and the Military Institute of Medicine of Warsaw as part of a project to investigate health impacts of the work environment.A uniform standard for medical plans is in place across the ORLEN Group.
In view of the epidemiological situation in Poland, health-related webinars were provided to employees as part of preventive measures.The Blood Donors Club at PKN ORLEN organised convalenscent blood and plasma collections. The campaigns were carried out in mobile ambulances at the Company’s locations in Płock, Warsaw and Trzebinia.
PKN ORLEN also cares about the mental health of its employees, seeing this activity as an inherent part of its corporate culture. The tasks of our Occupational Psychology Centre include provision of support and psychological assistance to employees and their immediate family members who are in personal or professional distress. Commitment to well-being in the workplace is very important to the employees, building a sense of togetherness and mutual accountability and contributing to better performance.
Education and talentacquisition policy
PKN ORLEN works consistently to satisfy its talent acquisition and retention needs.
Focusing of specific target groups relevant to the Company’s business areas – current and prospective employees, as well as students and graduates of vocational schools and universities. Being aware of the need for synergies between business and academia, the ORLEN Group collaborates with the academic community.
It is also important for PKN ORLEN to offer employment opportunities to disabled persons, which is why together with some other ORLEN Group companies we joined the ‘Work – Integration’programme of the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON), aimed at recruiting people with disabilities from the open labour market. Seven Group companies joined the Programme together with PKN ORLEN: ANWIL S.A., ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych Sp. z o.o., ORLEN Eko Sp. z o.o., ORLEN KolTrans S.A., ORLEN Ochrona Sp. z o.o., ORLEN Paliwa Sp. z o.o. Oddział Logistyka Pierwotna Gazu and ORLEN Południe S.A. Jobs for 28 persons with disabilities were declared in total. In 2020, PKN ORLEN hired 7 disabled persons, and the other companies hired 16 disabled persons (23 persons in total). The programme will be continued next year.
What is more, PKN ORLEN deems it necessary to raise the awareness of its employees around disabilities. And to this end it organises special information and consultation meetings. Two meetings were held in 2020 for managers hiring or intending to hire persons with disabilities, as well as a meeting addressed to everyone interested in the subject of employee disability. Further to that, individual consultations with a disability expert for PKN ORLEN employees were launched in December 2020. The expert is on duty once a week.

Realising the need to build an HR pipeline in professions that are crucial to the industry, given especially the specific business profiles of the Group companies, PKN ORLEN engages in active partnerships with vocational schools – as a result students obtain expert support during hands-on activities and have the opportunity to take part in study visits and trainee placements offered by the Group companies. PKN ORLEN cares for the professional development of young people − students, university graduates and school leavers, by providing them with an opportunity to acquire their first professional experience on internship and work placement programmes, Which are attended by dozens of university graduates and school leavers each year. In 2020, PKN ORLEN had 85 interns in the ‘Headed for ORLEN’programme and the ‘#Energy for the Future’ programme carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Climate and PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A., Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A. and Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A.Furthermore, PKN ORLEN offers development opportunities to Poles studying abroad. This year, we were a strategic partner of the Summer Stock Exchange School, aimed at encouraging young talented Poles studying abroad to plan their career paths at Polish or multinational companies, public institutions operating in Poland, or foreign branches of Polish companies. As part of the programme, we provided holiday internship, workshop and mentoring opportunities. We also established cooperation with the Lesław Paga Foundation as part of the EnergyAcademy Programme, which is addressed to young people who would like to work in the energy sector in the future. Internships were completed by 135 students, mostly in the production, development and technology segments, but also in other business areas.
In 2020, we signed agreements for group internships with the Helena Chodkowska School of Technology and Economics, an agreement for project internships with the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as a framework cooperation agreement with the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw.
PKN ORLEN also participated in career fairs (Virtual IT Career Fair, CSR Fair, Career and Internship Fair for Computer Specialists and Electronic Engineers at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology) at technical universities, and provided students and graduates with opportunities to gain professional experience. Additionally, it was involved in a number of education and awareness-raising projects, including the ORLEN Knowledge Day for Mechanics and Machine Design students of the Warsaw University of Technology Branch in Płock and for Chemical Technology students of the Warsaw University of Technology. Before the pandemic, PKN ORLEN participated in the Business Networking Day (workshops, lectures and career counselling with the involvement of PKN ORLEN) and in the Meet Your Employer event hosted by the Warsaw University of Technology.
For nine years in a row, PKN ORLEN has been recognised by experts from Top Employers Institute as Poland’s leading employer. Based on the results of an independent study of the HR policies of surveyed companies, PKN ORLEN won the Top Employer Polska 2020 title once again in 2020. The TOP Employers Institute survey is conducted among the world’s best employers whose HR practices are in line with international standards.

Health and safety topicscovered in formal agreements with trade unions
Health and safety issues are mutually agreed on and covered in formal documents negotiated with trade unions effective at ORLEN Group companies domiciled in Poland, which include:
- Collective Bargaining Agreements registered by the Regional Inspectors of the National Labour Inspectorate, in accordance with the provisions of Part XI of the Polish Labour Code and the Minister of Labour and Social Policy’s Regulation on the procedure to be followed in the case of registration of collective bargaining agreements, keeping the register of collective bargaining agreements and registration files, as well as forms of registration clauses and registration cards, and/or
- work Rules established in accordance with the provisions of Section IV of the Polish Labour Law.
Those documents provide for ensuring working conditions that meet safety and hygiene standards, including personal protection equipment against agents that are hazardous and harmful to human health, as well as working clothes and footwear. Occupational health and safety issues are covered by collective bargaining agreements also at Unipetrol in the Czech Republic and ORLEN Lietuva in Lithuania, the ORLEN Group’s foreign subsidiaries. Employees of ORLEN Deutschland, where there are no active trade unions, are not parties to any formal or collective agreements. The same holds true for ORLEN Upstream Canada, whose entire workforce is subject to occupational health and safety regulations applicable in Alberta.