GRI Disclosures:

Our priority is sustainable development across all our activities, understood as a concern for future generations. This means that in building the ORLEN Group’s position we attach equal importance to our business and CSR agendas. We respect all human beings and their rights. We use natural resources so as not to disturb environmental balance. We value and support Polish culture, science and sports. We feel responsible for other members of the communities where we operate, therefore we engage in dialogue and support them in various areas of activity. We are proud that the way we operate contributes to bolstering Poland’s reputation abroad.

PKN ORLEN’s corporate social responsibility stands for informed and comprehensive management of CSR and environment protection initiatives , which we view as our priority. CSR management falls within the remit of the External Relations Office, reporting directly to a member of the PKN ORLEN Management Board. The External Relations Office is responsible for developing and implementing the CSR strategy, and in particular for:

  • Supervising CSR activities in line with capital market standards, including in particular arranging CSR programmes and running charitable initiatives.
  • Building relations with local communities.
  • Formulating and implementing social marketing strategies.
  • Creating, coordinating and promoting nationwide and regional CSR programmes involving employees in volunteer initiatives.
  • Promoting socially responsible attitudes.
  • Continuing efforts to maintain a platform for cooperation and sharing experience in corporate social responsibility within the ORLEN Group.

The Sports Marketing, Sponsorship and Events Office is responsible for formulating and implementing a strategy for sports marketing, social sponsorship, events, and culture which is a part of PKN ORLEN’s marketing strategy.

Directions of our CSR activities are defined in the CSR strategy, which is aligned with the business strategy. In 2020, we proceeded with the implementation of the ORLEN Group CSR Strategy until 2022 within five key areas of responsibility: Society, Environment, Employees, Customers, and Business Partners. The identification of these areas facilitated the allocation of tasks corresponding to the needs of specific stakeholder groups. Our ambition is to best fulfil the role of a responsible corporate citizen and employer, a member of the community and a good neighbour. We declare our openness to the world around us, sensitivity to people’s needs and willingness to help. We seek to ensure that our activities effectively address the needs of local communities, bringing about real change in the lives of their target beneficiaries. We want our initiatives to be wide-ranging so that our charitable efforts reach all places where they are needed.

Following announcement of the ORLEN Group's strategy until 2030 in 2020, which provides for the creation of a multi-utility group and the development of new business directions, the External Relations Office, together with the Sustainable Business Development Department, started work on a new sustainability strategy, which will integrate the Sustainable Development Goals, thus supporting the delivery of our 2030 business strategy. It is being developed based on research and analysis, as well as consultations with internal stakeholders, including employees, business units and foundations of the ORLEN Group, and external stakeholders, such as representatives of the local community in Płock, the capital market, industry and non-governmental organisations, public administration, scientific and research institutions. An important partner in the process of its drafting is the Energa Group – it has had a significant contribution in the area of sustainable development and CSR activities upon joining the ORLEN Group. One purpose of the new strategy will be to respond to the growing expectations of investors, who increasingly pay attention to ESG rankings and reports that show actual commitment of companies to sustainability objectives. The new sustainability management directions have been included in PKN ORLEN's Green Finance Framework, published in connection with the issue of green bonds.

In keeping with the principles of social responsibility, PKN ORLEN has also signed up to and been engaged in external initiatives intended to promote sustainable development :

  • In 2018, PKN ORLEN signed a declaration of Partnership for Accessibility, affirming its commitment to cooperate in the implementation of the government’s ‘Accessibility Plus’ programme.
  • Since 2017, PKN ORLEN has been involved in the Ministry of Development’s Partnership for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Poland. We joined the initiative for implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda, seeking to ensure that our efforts support the achievement of all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which include: sustainable cities and communities, affordable and clean energy, responsible production and consumption, quality education, decent work and economic growth.
  • Since 2017, PKN ORLEN has been involved in activities of the Polish Economic Security Consortium.

  • Since 2015, PKN ORLEN has been an active member of the Sustainable Development Committee at the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry. During the 2015 Polish Chemical Industry Congress, we signed the Declaration of Support to the Sustainable Development Concept in Chemical Industry.
  • In 2014, PKN ORLEN signed the Declaration of Polish Businesses for Sustainable Development. By doing so, we joined the group of companies supporting the Vision of Sustainable Development of Polish Businesses until 2050. The document draws on the international initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
  • In 2010, PKN ORLEN was among those energy companies that decided to sign the Declaration on Sustainable Development in the Energy Sector.
  • PKN ORLEN is also a member of the global Fair Trade  movement. Stop Cafes and Stop Cafe Bistros at ORLEN service stations have been selling Fair Trade coffee only since 2008.
  • Since 1997, PKN ORLEN has participated in the Responsible Care programme (it was joined by the Company’s legal predecessor). This global project brings together chemical manufacturing companies to improve their health, safety and environmental performance (the so called HSE triad), as well as to share information about their activities.

Policiesand internal regulations

The policies and internal regulations concerning the social area include:

Code of Ethics - defines the values, rules of conduct and standards that set ethical standards for all employees of the ORLEN Group, based on a revised approach to understanding ORLEN's values: Responsibility, Development, People, Energy, Reliability, as well as the current scale, operating strategy and scope the requirements of the Group's environment and best practices in the field of business ethics.

CSR Strategy – sets out the directions of social responsibility initiatives. The CSR strategy is implemented within five key areas of responsibility: Society, Environment, Employees, Customers, and Business Partners.

Charitable Giving Policy – is an important tool for implementing the CSR strategy. It sets out the four priorities of the Company’s charitable involvement: ORLEN for the environment (supporting initiatives related to rational shaping of the environment and sustainable management of natural resources, anti-pollution initiatives, initiatives designed to conserve and restore elements of the natural environment, and initiatives furthering the concept of a circular economy), ORLEN for society (supporting foster family group homes and young people leaving children’s homes, the socially excluded, including people with disabilities, initiatives to assist returnees and their families, and initiatives of local communities and local partners), ORLEN for safety and health (supporting professional and voluntary rescue services, road safety stakeholders, medical institutions and facilities, and initiatives to promote healthy and active lifestyles), ORLEN for sports, education and culture (supporting initiatives for the development of sports, education, science and young talents, initiatives for the conservation and restoration of historical monuments, and initiatives promoting Polish culture and history). The Charitable Giving Policy also defines the principles of giving, using and accounting for gifts and donations. Charitable support is offered directly by the ORLEN Group and indirectly, through the ORLEN Foundation, ANWIL Foundation, Unipetrol Foundation and Energa Foundation.

PKN ORLEN Standards of Conduct in Relations with Local Communities – the document is a set of guidelines on how to interact with local communities in the areas where PKN ORLEN conducts its business activities. It is intended for internal use and binding on all PKN ORLEN employees.

ORLEN Group Procurement Policy – the document defines the mission, vision and purpose of the procurement policy.

Procurement Instruction – implements the Procurement Policy and serves as a tool to achieve its objectives.

Supplier Code of Conduct  – a document implemented across the ORLEN Group and including standards to follow when selecting suppliers, e.g. considering whether the supplier ensures safety in the workplace, cares for the health of employees, offers fair and non-discriminatory working conditions, and respects human rights.

ORLEN Group Anti-Corruption Policy – defines a fair and transparent model for the conduct of the ORLEN Group’s business, guaranteeing trust, security, free competition and value for all stakeholders.

PKN ORLEN Rules for Accepting and Offering Gifts – define the rules for accepting and offering gifts at PKN ORLEN.

Restructuring Agreement with Trade Unions – defines the rules of cooperation between social partners in restructuring processes and the employees’ rights in such processes.

Integrated Management System Policy  – being a declaration to assure quality, minimise environmental impacts, ensure employee safety and information security, it is closely related to the PKN ORLEN Core Values.

Food Safety Policy – declaration of the commitment to ensuring the highest quality of food products and our food and drink service, care for the health and safety of customers as well as for their culinary tastes, by continually developing the Standards and Best Practices in Food and Drink Services in accordance with the HACCP principles.

ORLEN Group Integrated Report

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