The ORLEN Group has operations in six home markets: Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Canada. It employs over 33,000 people, which, together with the employees' families, means over 120,000 people whose lives are directly affected by PKN ORLEN operations.
Furthermore, investment projects, current repairs and maintenance work performed by third party contractors for the ORLEN Group add up to more than ten thousand jobs. ORLEN Group service stations in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Slovakia employ more than 27,000 staff.
PKN ORLEN and other ORLEN Group companies put special focus on their role as socially responsible members of their respective communities. The ORLEN Group considers both direct and indirect impacts of its activities on theenvironment it operates in. It is an employer, a tax payer, sponsor, charity provider, and partner for numerous suppliers, institutions, and organisations.
The ORLEN Group companies are key local tax payers at their respective locations. For example, in 2020 the total revenue of the city of Płock related to the operations of PKN ORLEN and the ORLEN Group companies located in the city amounted to more than PLN 250m.
Local taxes paid by ORLEN Group companies at major locations in 2020:
1Includes: property taxes, vehicle taxes, corporate income tax, personal income tax, environmental charges, charges for perpetual usufruct of land. Applies to the following companies: PKN ORLEN, ORLEN Asfalt, ORLEN Koltrans, ORLEN Paliwa, ORLEN Serwis, ORLEN Eko, ORLEN Laboratorium, ORLEN Administracja, Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych, and ORLEN Ochrona.
2Includes: property taxes, vehicle taxes, corporate income tax, personal income tax, environmental charges, charges for perpetual usufruct of land. Applies to the following companies: ANWIL, ORLEN Laboratorium, and ORLEN SERWIS.
3Includes: property taxes, vehicle taxes, corporate income tax, personal income tax, environmental charges, charges for perpetual usufruct of land. Applies to the Energa Group.
4Includes: property taxes, vehicle taxes, corporate income tax, personal income tax, environmental charges, charges for perpetual usufruct of land.
5Includes: property taxes, vehicle taxes, charges for perpetual usufruct of land, personal income tax, environmental charges. Applies to the following companies: ORLEN Południe, ORLEN Oil, ORLEN Serwis, ORLEN Asfalt, and ORLEN Laboratorium.
6Includes: property taxes, vehicle taxes, charges for perpetual usufruct of land, personal income tax, environmental charges. Applies to the following companies: ORLEN Laboratorium, ORLEN Oil, and ORLEN Południe.
7Includes property tax, the ORLEN Unipetrol Group.
8Includes property tax, the ORLEN Unipetrol Group.
9Includes property tax, the ORLEN Unipetrol Group.
10Includes property tax, perpetual usufruct charges, ORLEN Lietuva
CSR Strategyimplementation
In 2020, we continued implementation of the ORLEN Group CSR Strategy until 2022, commenced in 2019. The Strategy builds on the Company’s business strategy, our internal code of ethics and Agenda 2030 – the UN resolution on sustainable development at the global and local level. Apart from seeking to align business with social objectives, other priorities of the CSR Strategy are to foster PKN ORLEN’s image as a leader in CSR and sustainability, generate CSR synergies across the Group, and support the pursuit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the ‘Accessibility Plus’ programme. The CSR strategy is implemented within five key areas of responsibility: Society, Environment, Employees, Customers, and Business Partners.
In order to best implement the CSR Strategy, the actions undertaken within its framework are prioritised. In 2019–2020, emphasis was placed on projects involving environmental protection,promotion of safety (including road safety), as well as promotion and protection of health, especially at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the fight against which PKN ORLEN was actively involved. Environmental protection is a key element of CSR. Together with other ORLEN Group companies, PKN ORLEN undertakes various initiatives to foster the public’s environmental conscience, protect biodiversity and optimise business impacts. PKN ORLEN is also engaged in projects involving disease prevention as well as education on active and healthy lifestyles. Our employees and trading partners are guaranteed the best possible OHS conditions, and the production process safety is being constantly improved in order to ensure safe living conditions to the local communities.
More information in the section ‘CSR Strategy’.

The main goals pursued in the Society area are to support the development of local communities, prevent social exclusion and promote equal opportunities, ensure safety and health protection, and preserve the national heritage.
2020 saw the continued implementation of countrywide projects designed to reach local communities, such as the ‘My Place on Earth’ and ‘ORLEN for Firefighters’ grant programmes and a loyalty scheme for volunteer firefighters registered in the National Firefighting and Rescue System. The ORLEN Foundation delivered successive editions of its scholarship programmes, including ‘For Eagles’ dedicated to children of the employees of PKN ORLEN and ORLEN Group companies and the residents of Płock and the County of Płock, as well as ‘BONA FIDE’ for students.2020 also saw the first edition of the ‘Health for Płock’ grant programme, addressed to non-governmental and local government organisations active in Płock and the neighbouring Płock, Sierpc and Gostynin Counties.
In 2020, the Company increased its involvement in health promotion. Responding to the needs of Płock residents, PKN ORLEN continued cooperation with the National Institute for Oncology under an agreement concerning the Comprehensive Programme for the Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment of Cancers and Respiratory System Diseases for Residents of the City and County of Płock. The partnership is the first project of this type in Poland. The Programme is run by the National Institute of Oncology Maria Skłodowska Curie, together with the National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, under the patronage of the Ministry of Health. Its key objective is to undertake pro-health initiatives relating to respiratory system diseases and cancers, as well as the implementation of educational programmes on the causes of those diseases. One of its goals is to make the residents of Płock and surrounding areas aware of the need to change their lifestyles, as this may significantly reduce the risk of illness.
Actions implemented under the Programme in 2020:
- Launch of pulmonology and oncology infolines for residents and medical staff from Płock and its surroundings (January 2020); the callers may receive information on diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities from oncology and pulmonology practitioners.
- Launch of the Programme website at www.healthiedlaplocka.pib-nio.pl, an ample source of information on the Programme, its activities, disease prevention and treatment (April 2020).
- Establishment of a Smoker Aid Point in Płock, which offers access to a doctor, psychologist and dietician (August 2020).
- Development of training materials for medical staff on the treatment of cancer and respiratory diseases.
- Development of educational materials for children on healthy and hygenic lifestyles.
- Development of educational materials for adults on healthy lifestyles and adverse effects of smoking.
- On August 29th 2020, the ‘Health for Płock’ family picnic was organised for the residents of Płock and the Płock, Gostynin and Sierpc Counties. The visitors could receive information on the health programme for Płock, obtain medical consultations and advice in special areas hosted by PZU Medica and the National Health Fund, or undergo first aid training with VR goggles. The open-air family picnic was planned taking into consideration the sanitary regime requirements.
- The ORLEN Foundation launched the ‘Health for Płock’ grant programme. 2020 saw its first edition, addressed to non-governmental and local government organisations active in Płock and the neighbouring Płock, Sierpc and Gostynin Counties. 68 organisations submitted their applications. Grants totalling PLN 300,000 were awarded to 28 organisations, and will be used to finance, for example, the organisation of training sessions, workshops and lectures on disease prevention. The beneficiaries included Płock kindergartens, primary schools, voluntary fire brigades and farmers’ wives associations. ‘Health for Płock’ is one of the initiatives forming part of the PKN ORLEN’s Comprehensive Programme for the Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment of Cancers and Respiratory System Diseases for Residents of the City and County of Płock.
- In pursuit of the Programme’s objectives, five spirometers were purchased and donated to: Provincial Hospital in Płock (2 spirometers), PZU MEDICA in Płock (Galeria Mosty), as well as independent public healthcare facilities – Samodzielny Publiczny Zespół Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej in Sierpc and ARION Med sp. z o.o. in Gostynin.

PKN ORLEN and the ORLEN Foundation provided active in-kind and financial support to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.
The support was addressed in particular to medical services, hospitals and uniformed services talked with saving the life and health of infected people, as well as to the staff and charges of nursing homes. In the case of service station customers, the possibility of paying for fuel directly at the pump, without entering the station building and contacting the staff, was a major advantage given the risk of infection.
The beneficiaries of PKN ORLEN’s and the ORLEN Foundation’s donations included: Material Reserves Agency, Central Sanitary and Counter-epidemic Reserves Base in Poręby near Zduńska Wola, International Solidarity Foundation, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Military Institute of Medicine in Warsaw, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of the County of Płock, St. Urszula Ledóchowska Hospice and Palliative Care Association ‘Hospicjum Płockie’ of Płock and Independent Public Provincial Specialist Hospital in Chełm. The ORLEN Foundation received the ‘Bene Meritus de Aegrotis et Instituto’ award from the Director of the Military Institute of Medicine for supporting the fight against the pandemic.
Five high-quality ventilators were donated to the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw. Two were received by the Provincial Hospital Complex in Płock. In addition, these facilities, as well as to the Military Institute of Medicine in Warsaw, were provided with personal biosecurity kits, including coveralls, masks, gloves and boot liners. The Company also provided hospitals with hand and surface sanitiser liquids, three-layer masks, safety glasses and gloves, as well as gloves for washing ambulances.
Thanks to the support of the ORLEN Foundation, medical establishments were able to purchase additional laboratory equipment, ambulances, medical equipment, as well as personal protective equipment. The Foundation responded to the needs reported by hospitals. For example, it supported the Children’s Memorial Health Institute with a donation which covered three-month costs of fuel for ambulances. PKN ORLEN also offered assistance, in the form of two delivery vans, to the Central Sanitary and Counter-epidemic Reserves Base in Poręby near Zduńska Wola, and provided protective masks to the Material Reserves Agency.
The beneficiaries of COVID-related support in Płock included the Provincial Hospital Complex, as well as the Municipal Police Headquarters, the Provincial Ambulance Service and Medical Transport Station, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and local non-governmental organisations, which were provided liquid disinfectants and protective equipment.
Considering the particularly difficult situation at nursing homes, PKN ORLEN decided to supply the most needy facilities with hygiene products and protective equipment. Nursing homes received protective masks, gloves, coveralls, goggles and hand and surface sanitiser liquids. The Company provided protective products necessary to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to the Vatican and the Office of Papal Charities. The supplies were used to help the homeless, migrants and nursing home charges who are under the direct care of Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner.
- Assistance was also offered to the Central Police Headquarters in Warsaw. Masks, liquid disinfectants and protective coveralls provided by PKN ORLEN were great support for the personal security of police officers, which, together with other services, fight daily on the first line against the pandemic.
PKN ORLEN’s prompt response to the crisis caused by the pandemic was acknowledged by the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC): the Company won the European RC Awards competition in the ‘Upholding and Reshaping Production Lines’ category, which assessed such initiatives as maintaining production throughout the crisis, accelerating production or adapting production lines to meet growing demand for critical products etc. In 2020, the European RC Awards were presented for inspiring and effective initiatives offered by the Responsible Care Programme Participants across Europe as support during the coronavirus crisis. The assessment of companies’ activities covered initiatives to protect employees and public health, maintain critical value chains, and support communities with appropriate solutions, products/processes, donations etc.

The following activities were also carried out as part of the fight against the pandemic:
- ‘Helping hospitals in the fight against the pandemic’ - a new award was launched in the VITAY loyalty program, it was introduced to the catalog on April 1, 2020 (it was the implementation of an idea of one of VITAY's customers, who shared it on the PKN ORLEN profile on Facebook). The cash value of the points was donated to the ORLEN Foundation for the support of hospitals.
- ‘A Computer for a Foster Family Group Home’ grant programme – the ORLEN Foundation allocated more than PLN 500,000 to the purchase of electronic equipment supporting distance education. It provided funds to buy computers for foster family group homes to help the children learn at home while their schools are closed. Each foster family orphanage cooperating with the Foundation could apply for a grant of up to PLN 3,000. The support was received by nearly 200 homes. The funds were used, among other things, to purchase notebook and desktop computers, tablets or computer accessories.
In 2020, PKN ORLEN was also involved in community projects aimed at reducing inequalities. Their intended beneficiaries were young children under the care of foster family group homes and the Róża Czacka Centre for Blind Children in Laski, as well as senior citizens. At the beginning of 2020, free film screenings were organised as part of the ‘Cinema with ORLEN’ project launched in 2019. They were accompanied by special guests’ lectures on safety rules. Volunteers of the ORLEN Foundation were engaged in the events.
Support forsports and culture, community sponsorships
PKN ORLEN was the first in Poland to publish the annual report for 2020 devoted to sponsoring activities. The report contains a broad description of the projects supported by ORLEN, the effects of sponsoring activities and good practices developed over the years in the field of cooperation with sportsmen and sports associations, cultural institutions and social partners.
PKN ORLEN is the leading Sponsor of Polish Sports, supporting professional and amateur athletes.

Media value of PKN ORLEN brandsin 2020 (sports and culture)
Total media value generated from effective exposures of PKN ORLEN brands in Polish media is PLN 362 million* |
*Source: Pentagon Research report 'PKN ORLEN brands, media value January-December 2020'
Since 2019, in view of its strong foreign expansion, increasing international recognition of the ORLEN brand and co-branding of its service stations, the Company has been engaged in Formula 1, the most elite motor sport discipline. Since 2020, PKN ORLEN has been the title sponsor of the Alfa Romeo Racing ORLEN team, with Robert Kubica as their reserve and test driver. Another project that supported the ORLEN brand recognition on foreign markets was Robert Kubica’s competing in the German Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters racing series together with ORLEN Team ART.
The Group is also present in many other motor sport disciplines. The colours of the 21-years-old ORLEN Team are worn by cross country, car racing, speedway, powered paragliding, and since 2020 also by Formula 1 Powerboat Racing and aerobatics competitors. The Company supports Poland’s only professional cross country rally team, whose members take part in the most challenging rallies. Jakub Przygoński, Maciej Giemza, Adam Tomiczek and Kamil Wiśniewski competed in the 42th edition of the Dakar Rally. In 2020, Jakub Przygoński won the Polish ATV Rally Championship and ranked first in the Polish Drift Championship for the fourth time in his career. Kacper Wróblewski, in turn, became the Slovak Rally Vice Champion, while Bartosz Zmarzlik defended the title of the Individual Speedway World Champion.

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw victory, also known as the Miracle of the Vistula, PKN ORLEN reinterpreted the history in a motor sport fashion, holding a spectacular competitive racing event in the centre of Warsaw between two ORLEN Team competitors, Robert Kubica and Bartek Marszałek, representing Formula 1 car and powerboat racing.
The ORLEN Sports Group, a group of individual competitors who receive financial support from PKN ORLEN, already comprises almost 30 successful athletes, including champions and medal winners of the most prominent events: the Olympic Games, and the indoor or outdoor World and European Championships - Anita Włodarczyk, Piotr Małachowski, and Paweł Fajdek. In 2020, despite the global pandemic, the competitors took part in athletic meetings and performed very well, with Justyna Święty-Ersetic breaking indoor Poland’s record in 400 metres.
Continuing the tradition of supporting running competitions, instead of holding its own marathon, PKN ORLEN became the title sponsor of the 42nd PZU ORLEN Warsaw Marathon, which turned out to be Poland’s largest running event in 2020.
For nearly a decade, PKN ORLEN has been committed to supporting Polish volleyball. It sponsors the Polish indoor and beach volleyball national teams across all age categories and a volleyball training programme for the most talented youth, helping them succeed. In 2020, due to pandemic restrictions, major volleyball events around the globe were cancelled. However, the Polish national team remained active, for instance they held international friendly competitions called ‘We Love Volleyball’ with the participation of German, Czech and Swiss national teams.
PKN ORLEN continued its cooperation with Lang Team, organising professional and amateur cycling races. In 2020, the ORLEN National Race was held in Rzeszów – a competition for young cyclists sporting national colours – as well as the ORLEN Lang Team Race – two amateur cycling races.
As the pandemic forced numerous adjustments to sports event calendars, many events moved to the virtual world. PKN ORLEN supported the organisation of ORLEN e-Tour de Pologne Amateurs, where a number of ORLEN Team and ORLEN Sports Group members competed, including notably Robert Kubica. Furthermore, the Company organised the ORLEN Stay&Play project based on e-sport competition and numerous live chats with supported players.

PKN ORLEN also supports professional sports in Płock as a strategic sponsor of the ORLEN Wisła Płock handball team and the Wisła Płock football team. The sponsorship of these teams is not merely a business decision - the project is related to social responsibility and co-created with the Płock community.
An important part of the PKN ORLEN sports sponsorship strategy is an effective youth training system, aimed at developing a pipeline of future champions. Together with the Polish Athletic Association, the Company implements the ‘Athletics for Everyone’ programme. It has also partnered with the Polish Volleyball Federation to develop young volleyball talents in the framework of School Volleyball Centres. PKN ORLEN is actively engaged in a training system set up by Football Academies across Poland. In 2020, training and development opportunities were provided to more than 7,000 children and young people, as the Company sponsored tournaments and football schools. PKN ORLEN also supports young cart racers competing in Poland and Europe, of whom two are train in the Sauber Karting Academy powered by ORLEN. In addition, the Company is involved in the School Sports Club (SKS) programme initiated by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, re-established in Polish schools after years of absence. More than 8,000 schools are already engaged in the project, with 258 thousands students participated in sports activities.
2020 saw the conclusion of the 100th anniversary celebration of the Polish Olympic Committee, for which PKN ORLEN has been the strategic sponsor for many years. Due to the pandemic, the XXXII Olympic Summer Games Tokyo 2020 were postponed to 2021. Furthermore, PKN ORLEN continued to partner with the Polish Paralympic Committee, supporting disabled athletes participating in sports competitions.
Despite a year marred by the pandemic, the Group continued to support sports associations, clubs and individual athletes, maintaining financial assistance and seeking replacement benefits, which enabled them to keep training and prepare for major sports events.
PKN ORLEN builds its brand recognition through sports not only in Poland, but also abroad: it supports a hockey club in the Czech Republic, handball in Germany, and a basketball club in Lithuania.
As a national giant, PKN ORLEN also supports initiatives designed to protect Polish national heritage. In 2020, we continued our cooperation with the National Museum, the Grand Theatre – National Opera, and the Fryderyk Chopin Institute. Due to the pandemic, the Chopin Competition scheduled for autumn 2020 was postponed to 2021. The Group once again supported the Ludwik van Beethoven Easter Festival and continued its cooperation with the Płock Symphonic Orchestra.
In 2020, the ORLEN Foundation supported the Fryderyk Chopin Institute. Its donations enabled the purchase of priceless letters written by the composer and his portrait painted by Teofil Kwiatkowski. Support was also provided to a historic building complex in Frombork, which will use the donations to renovate and restore part of its cathedral complex. Additionally, as part of the project, the infrastructure will be adapted for people with disabilities.
PKN ORLEN was the Main Partner of the 12th Film Festival ‘The Rebellious, the Invincible, the Cursed’, a forum of dialogue between several generations of Poles, the event also has an international dimension providing an occasion to discuss and promote Polish history and culture.
PKN ORLEN was once again involved in the ‘HeroesON – Switch on History!’ project by sponsoring its 5th edition. The goals of the campaign were to commemorate and honour the participants of the Warsaw Uprising and to promote the 20th-century history of Poland. In addition, the company supported the ‘Protective Kit for Insurgent’ campaign, where a total of 1,400 packages with coronavirus protection products, containing sanitisers, masks and gloves, were distributed to senior citizens who had fought in the Warsaw Uprising.
2020 was marked by the 100th anniversary of the Polish-Soviet war. PKN ORLEN was involved in the preparation of several related events. In partnership with the Niepodległa Programme Office, the ‘Viktoria 1920’ film was shown.
‘Heroes 1920’ is a pioneering modern history lesson. With the use of holographic technology, studio films were made with actors playing the key figures of the Polish-Soviet war. The holoboxes were presented to the public in selected educational facilities in Masovia, the Zamość Region, at the National Stadium, in Łazienki Park and the Museum of Masovia in Płock. The project was designed to promote and disseminate historical knowledge to children and young people, and to strengthen patriotic attitudes in the society using state-of-the-art technology.
On August 15th, the National Stadium hosted the premiere of a historical show entitled ‘1920. Grateful to the Heroes’. PKN ORLEN was the Patron of the event. The goal of the project was to produce a multimedia performance about the Battle of Warsaw of 1920 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of this historical event, to honour the memory of the heroes, and to highlight Poland’s victory over the Soviet invasion. The show combined traditional non-digital stage solutions with advanced multimedia technologies, including mapping and visuals. The event was held under the auspices of Andrzej Duda, the President of the Republic of Poland.
Further to that, PKN ORLEN once again sponsored the ‘Eagle and Cross’ show, a multimedia performance depicting Poland’s history from the legends of the Piast kings until today. In collaboration with popular opinion weeklies (Gazeta Polska, Gość Niedzielny, Tygodnik SIECI), special inserts dedicated to important historical events were published, including the anniversary of the outbreak of Warsaw Uprising and the anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw.
The key actions taken by the Energa Group to protect the national heritage and foster patriotic attitude, on the other hand, included support for the project ‘Museum of Power Engineering (Centre of Tradition of Polish Power Engineers)’, organisation of the 5th Westerplatte Independence Concert and co-financing of metalwork for the Amber Altar of the St. Bridget’s Roman Catholic Parish in Gdańsk. As part of its cultural promotion efforts, the Energa Group continued its cooperation with the Polish Baltic Philharmonic, which hosts the EnergaCamerimage Festival and projects such as the Gdańsk Music Festival or the Christmas Carols Concert in the St. Bridget’s Parish.
Rescue organisations which save the lives and health of the Poles on a daily basis are an extremely important focus area for community sponsorships. For many years, PKN ORLEN has been supporting the activities of the Volunteer Mountain Rescue Service, Volunteer Masuria Rescue Service and Volunteer Water Rescue Service in Płock and Legionowo, to name just some.
Involvementwith local communities
In 2020, the Company actively collaborated with local communities, particularly in Płock and other places where it operates. The ‘ORLEN for Płock’ programme has been in place for many years now, with 34 projects completed within its framework in 2020 because of the pandemic.For the fourth time, together with the Volunteer Water Rescue Service in Płock, the Company managed to organise a lifeguarded bathing spot on Lake Górskie near Płock.Sponsorship of the ORLEN Wisła Płock handball team and the Wisła Płock football team was also continued. From the moment the lockdown restrictions were put in place until the end of May 2020, ORLEN Wisła Płock provided 16 physical education classes for more than 1,500 children. The online workouts were invariably popular with the young participants and had many devoted fans, who did not miss out on a single class. The children did their best to please their favourite athletes, who were running the classes. PKN ORLEN organised boat trips on the Vistula River for Płock inhabitants between July and October. In total, there were 213 trips with 5,244 participants.
Due to the pandemic, 2020 was not easy on anyone, including the Płock Symphonic Orchestra, who nevertheless managed to deliver a number of projects, some of them online. Nine live concerts were held, including an Opera & Operetta Gala, a Mateusz Ziółko concert of chamber music, a Klezmafour group concert, and a concert entitled ‘Całuję Twoją dłoń Madame’ (after an interwar period smash-hit tango). Also widely popular with music lovers were live online concerts, including a concert of Christmas Carols, a New Year concert by ROMA theatre artists; and a POS KAMERALNIE series.
In December 2020, a 10-metre tall Christmas tree was installed in the Płock Light Gardens.
PKN ORLEN sponsored the 6th edition of the ‘RYKOwisko ULTRA Trail 2020’ sports competition.The trail running event was held within the grounds of the Gostynin-Włocławek Landscape Park in Łąck near Płock, comprising three distances: 36 km (Szybkie Badyle), 72 km (Rącza Łania) and 108 km (Rogacz). Referring to deer and moose, the names were meant to pay tribute to animals living in the neighbouring forests. Set amid the beautiful scenery of forests, lakes and tourist routes, the race provided great emotions and unforgettable experiences to about 400 runners from Masovia and other regions of Poland.

In 2020, the ‘Christmas gift box for senior Płock citizens’ initiative was held for the first time.
The project was conceived to help elderly people living alonewho stayed at home during the pandemic limiting their social contacts, while also supporting food and catering service providers from Płock, hard-pressed due to the pandemic restrictions. In total, based on the received applications, 3,677 packages were prepared, which on 23 and 24 December 2020 were delivered directly to the homes of Płock seniors. The dishes were prepared and delivered by 15 Płock catering companies. Each box contained traditional meals bringing the spirit of Christmas to those who received them. “I amcompletely alone. My husband passed away and my daughter lives abroad. Because of the coronavirus, we were unable to unite for Christmas. But for the gift box, I would not have had a true Christmas Eve. I did not have enough money to do the necessary shopping or enough energy to cook everything,” said Janina (age 74), living in the Łukasiewicz housing estate. “We are grateful that someone remembers us at this difficult time. This matters a lot,” said Stanisław (age 80) living in the neighbourhood, who also received a Christmas gift box”.
Communication with the local community in and around Płock was ensured, inter alia, by an online platform called Free Information System for the inhabitants of the Płock region. The Company used text messages and emails to announce, for instance, its safety system tests, maintenance shutdowns, support programmes and voluntary services of the ORLEN Foundation. Due to the pandemic restrictions imposed in March 2020, the number of communications inviting to sports and cultural events was lower than in the previous year. In 2020, 60 text messages were sent out to more than 1,000 system users.

PKN ORLEN decided to expand the public bike sharing system in Płock.
The Company funded 250 additional bicycles for the city, deploying them at terminals located in Płock, its suburbs and adjacent municipalities. The project beneficiaries are residents, as well as tourists. According to the analysis of the bike sharing system operator, after PKN ORLEN had installed the bicycle stations, Płock became Poland’s best-equipped city with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Bicycle stations were also set up at the entrance to the production plant’s site.
Expanding the public bike sharing system, the Company carried out an educational campaign on safe cycling in Płock addressed to youth, the ‘Cycling Code’. To promote a safety mindset among young bicycle users, a competition for slogans promoting safe cycling was held at schools in Płock. The prizes for students were more than PLN 10,000 worth of shopping vouchers for sports equipment. The Municipal Police Station and the Provincial Road Traffic Centre were engaged as project partners. 200 competition entries were submitted. The competition site had more than 14,000 visitors.

For many years, ORLEN has been involved in projects aimed at developing the local communities, and in particular educating young people in and around Płock. For that reason, a free webinar ‘Inspiring Growth’ was organised, with sociology and pedagogy experts discussing the findings of an earlier anonymous survey of development needs and inspirations of the youth in Płock and the Płock District. The survey covered more than 20 schools and responses were collected from nearly 1,300 students. The webinar was attended by 50 to 100 representatives of teaching staff from more than 20 educational establishments in Płock. According to the experts who analysed the survey, its findings allowed them to gain insight about who young people look up to, about their hobbies, the values they respect in other people, their plans for the future, growth inspirations and barriers.
Two new CSR brochures were published in 2020, promoting the community engagement of the Group and the ORLEN Foundation in the area of safety and growth. A publication entitled ‘Wspólnie dbamy o bezpieczeństwo‘ (Staying Safe Together) was distributed in 7,000 copies. Another publication entitled ‘Zdrowie naszą wspólną wartością‘ (Health as a Common Value) was distributed to 2,000 people. The materials were provided mainly to representatives of the Płock and Gdańsk local communities. The safety-themed brochure focuses mostly on the presentation of PKN ORLEN’s and ORLEN Foundation’s activities aimed at ensuring safety within the Company and in its immediate environment. The publication is intended for adults, as it is accompanied by first aid instructions and a high-visibility sticker, as well as for children, who can enjoy the attached memory game. The health-themed brochure, in turn, describes a range of health initiatives taken by PKN ORLEN for the benefit of its employees and their families. It discusses the preventive healthcare programmes implemented by HR and highlights the importance of blood donation. The publication also lists community health initiatives set up and carried out together with the ORLEN Foundation, addressed in particular to the local community in Płock. The brochure is intended for adults and for children, for whom a magnetic tic-tac-toe game was prepared. It is also accessible for blind persons, as the game pieces are convex and the name of the game itself is written in Braille’s. The brochures were printed on certified sustainable paper.

In 2020, the Energa Group’s charitable activities included the ‘Full Packages of Good Energy’ project, in which Christmas packages were distributed to charges of social welfare institutions. Last year, the Kropelka Energii Foundation collected 139.95 litres of blood from 311 donors. The seventh edition of the Charity Activists Campaign, under the heading ‘We Go on Despite COVID-19’, was finalised. As a result, the Energa Foundation donated PLN 200,000 to 17 children’s homes. Support for the education of the young generation was also continued. Owing to the Energa Foundation, local schools and hospices received the following computer equipment: 26 notebook computers, 6 computer monitors, 2 printers and 11 computer sets. In addition, the Energa Group in collaboration with Librus prepared almost 300 online training courses in the framework of the ‘Remote Education with Energa’ project. Furthermore, in environmental partnerships with local communities, new projects were launched in response to community expectations, including the ‘Remote Education with Energa’ and ‘Wasteland’ projects.
In 2020, PKN ORLEN actively supported the foundations it had established, contributed to or participated in, including the ORLEN Foundation,
the Grant Fund for Płock Foundation,
the Foundation of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Oil and Gas Industry Museum in Bóbrka,
the Polish National Foundation,
the Grow Up with Us Foundation
and the Polish Economic Security Consortium through the Polish Economic Security Foundation – Legal and Economic Dialogue and Analysis Institute.
The Company is actively pursuing its efforts to improve road safety also by supporting rescue services. For example, it runs a loyalty scheme for volunteer firefighters registered in the National Firefighting and Rescue System, who can buy fuel at ORLEN service stations at discounted prices.
At the beginning of 2020, a partnership was also initiated with the Territorial Defence Force, under which soldiers-volunteers were offered loyalty cards entitling them to fuel discounts at PKN ORLEN service stations. The Territorial Defence Force (WOT) is a separate type of Poland’s armed forces, established at the beginning of 2017. Today, WOT counts nearly 25,000 soldiers, building its potential on volunteer service. As training takes place mainly on days off work, WOT soldiers are able to maintain a healthy balance between family and professional life on the one hand, and the service in WOT on the other. The mission of WOT is to defend and support local communities. In time of peace, WOT forces engage in, among other activities, preventing and combating the effects of natural disasters, and carrying out emergency rescue missions. During the COVID-19 epidemic, the Territorial Defence Force changed its mode of operation, moving from training to crisis prevention. The loyalty card scheme was launched on May 1st 2020.
PKN ORLEN has consistently enhanced its partnership with Polish producers, expanding the offering of Polish products available at its service stations both at home and abroad. The purpose of our #SupportingPoland campaign rolled out in 2020 is to strengthen consumer attitudes and encourage Poles to make informed decisions and opt for products made in Poland. In this way, PKN ORLEN supports the national economy and advocates the idea of modern economic patriotism. In June 2020, products made in Poland accounted for 85% of the non-fuel offering at ORLEN service stations in Poland, with the figure standing at 30% in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and at 20% in Lithuania. PKN ORLEN is also selling Polish products in Germany. Consumer surveys indicate that 75% of Poles believe that Polish companies such as PKN ORLEN should actively engage in promoting Polish manufacturers. Almost 90% of Poles feel encouraged to buy a product based on the information that it was made in Poland, and 80% of the respondents believe that Polish products are of higher quality and more environmentally friendly.

#SupportingPoland campaign
In 2020, PKN ORLEN increased the availability of ‘ORLEN IN YOUR PORTFOLIO’, the first long-term programme for retail investors in Poland. Its main objective is to raise investment awareness among Poles. The orlenwportfelu.pl website is already visited by more than 130,000 users, and over 7,000 of them decided to join the programme last year.
Projects implemented within the framework of ‘ORLEN IN YOUR PORTFOLIO’ include the Investment Academy. Anyone looking to enhance their knowledge on the capital market and on how to stay on the safe side while investing on the stock exchange is welcome to participate. Investment Academy participants are offered an opportunity to earn a prestigious certificate signed by CFA Society Poland. Free-of-charge, unlimited access to the educational platform is open to all those interested, not only Company shareholders.The key activities in 2020 included: conducting the second round of examinations in the Investment Academy, completing the first and launching the second series of modules called ‘Investing in Practice’, launching a new series called ‘Fundamentally about Investing’, participating in the ‘Finance and Investment Forum’ and numerous meetings with retail investors.
Collaborative partnershipswith scientific and research institutions and startups
In 2020, PKN ORLEN implemented the first edition of the Inventor Tech Day project, addresses to inventors associated with scientific and research institutions and startups from Poland, other European countries and Asia. The purpose is to acquire innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. The initiative is consistent with PKN ORLEN’s plan to gradually achieve carbon neutrality and step up its own R&D activity, announced in 2020. The Company intends to acquire innovative solutions that will be applied in around a dozen of research areas, including CO2 capture technologies, next-generation biofuels, new types of catalysts, biopetrochemicals, hydrogen technologies and green energy. The originators of the most promising solutions gainedthe opportunity to collaborate with the Company, and negotiations started to further develop relations with the authors of 10 out of the 15 technologies presented. The next edition will be held in 2021.
PKN ORLEN also joins in initiatives to drive innovation, including those developed by tech startups. 2020 saw the roll-out of acceleration programmes under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014–2020, designed toacquire innovative solutions offered by startups and carry out pilot implementations on PKN ORLEN's infrastructure.
In 2020, those programmes facilitated the implementation of the following solutions in various areas of PKN ORLEN's business (energy, HR, logistics, safety, production):
A system for automatic surveillance of the Płock production plant using an unmanned aerial vehicle, developed by startup Cervi Robotics. The system consists of a docking station (garage), UAV device and application for controlling and monitoring its missions. The system allows automatic flights (under BVLOS conditions) where an unmanned aerial vehicle automatically takes off and lands at a designated location and flies along a programmed route.
Solution to track down attempted interference with industrial pipelines by analysing images taken by an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (drone), developed by startup BZB UAZ.
Solution developed by Anzonia: Use of a Data Panel tool for predictive analysis in order to predict the operating time of a pyrolytic furnace between decoking procedures. The knowledge that a pyrolytic furnace should be decoked sooner or later than would have otherwise been the case in accordance with its operation schedule will make it possible to adjust (optimise) the schedule to increase operational availability of the furnaces, and thus olefin production.
Solution developed by Symmetrical: Testing Symmetrical’s tool for early payment of remuneration, i.e. the base pay (advance), to PKN ORLEN employees at their request. Using a mobile application provided by Symmetrical, an employee can request payment of the advance by the 20th day of each month. Symmetrical checks whether such request meets the criteria agreed with PKN ORLEN, and if so – carries out an instruction to pay the advance. The employee’s bank account is then credited with the requested amount within less than a quarter of an hour. PKN ORLEN reimburses the amount to Symmetrical within the standard timing for payment of employees’ salaries (i.e. at the end of each month).
Seals developed by ISS RFID: Development of an innovative RFID-based reusable safety seal – ISS reSeal. This solution will be used to secure the transport of dangerous goods with an option of recording data and events. The product will be suitable for use in the vicinity of explosive, inflammable and toxic products (dangerous goods). Employment of radio solutions (RFID, IOT) will not only make it possible to mark, but also to identify and detect objects using the existing OT radio infrastructure – the pilot implementation is expected to be completed in March 2021.
Solution developed by Gamehill: Creation of the OFFSHORE.GAME gamification platform for employees as a tool supporting development of skills which were identified by employees during career development sessions as requiring improvement (Innovation and Project Management). Testing of a new, alternative form of training which is additionally in line with the current restrictions imposed due to the pandemic. The project involves preparation of dedicated content aligned with PKN ORLEN's strategy, and access to dedicated microlearning materials (e-books, quizzes, presentations, tests).
Installation in Płock of a modern, silicon carbide-based charger developed by Euroloop.

Positive outcomes of the pilot programmes prompted PKN ORLEN to build its own corporate accelerator (PKN ORLEN Accelerator) – the planned start date is the first half of 2021.
Moreover, in 2020 PKN ORLEN participated in the govTech initiative, aimed at improving dialogue between the public sector and innovators, including startups. As part of the project, PKN ORLEN commenced cooperation with Veturai, a startup which developed a solution to check vehicles refuelled for fleet customers using the mFlota application, now awaiting the pilot implementation stage.
PKN ORLEN leverages the potential of Polish science in creating and developing innovative solutions. The Company is actively looking for research projects run by universities and scientific institutes that could be developed to further the interests of both parties, that is to support transfer of engineering solutions to businesses. To this end, 11 Innovation Day meetings were held in 2020 with authors of research projects from more than 20 universities and scientific institutes from the Łukasiewicz Network and the Polish Academy of Sciences. In addition, cooperation agreements were signed with the Warsaw University of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology Branch in Płock to enable students to complete project and group apprenticeships and internships in real working conditions at Poland’s largest and Europe’s leading fuel and energy company.
Launching the Research and Development Centre in Płock in 2021 is a pivotal moment for the Company's R&D activities. The Centre will enable PKN ORLEN to develop and implement its own technologies, and will also serve as a modern platform for cooperation between PKN ORLEN and the world of science and business.

By 2030, PKN ORLEN will allocate approximately 3% (PLN 3bn) of its total capital expenditure towards, inter alia, development of the Corporate Venture Capitalfund and innovation and R&D activities. This will tighten links between business and science, while allowing the Group to develop and implement its own technologies in the 11 domains of the Strategic Research Agenda, with particular focus on: process technologies, petrochemical product mix expansion and new value chains, low-carbon power generation, production and logistics digitisation, and creating modern standards for service stations of the future.
One of the priorities of the ORLEN Group’s CSR strategy across all areas: Society, Environment, Employees, Customers, and Business Partners, is to inspire a sense of responsibility by sharing best practices. In 2020, PKN ORLEN presented its activities in reports drawn up by its partners, at national conferences, such as the Development Vision Forum and the Economic Forum in Karpacz and during stakeholder meetings.
In 2020, the Company was also involved in the European Sustainable Development Week, as part of which it carried out the following initiatives:
- ORLEN Foundation Volunteering Week – as part of the Volunteering Week held in Płock and Warsaw from September 18th to September 25th, a series of meetings with volunteers and community organisations were held in a dedicated studio dobroMOCni.tv to share ideas, inspire and listen. The studio became the place of extraordinary meetings with people who shared their volunteering experience;
- Tree for a Bottle – a waste collection event was held from September 23rd to September 25th, where employees could drop off certain types of waste, like used batteries, expired drugs and electronic waste, in exchange for a tree seedling as the symbol of the campaign, carried out under the Responsible Care Programme;
- #runwithzosia employee charity fair– the #runwithzosia online charity fair opened on September 18th. All money raised by the event will go to Zosia, a girl suffering from type 1 SMA;
- Mr Carp Restocks the Vistula – a competition held with a slogan ‘The Flowing, Winding Vistula’. The competition is intended for pre-school and school children in three age groups, living in towns on the Vistula river (ANWIL);
- Safe on the Way Home – a meeting with children in Municipal Kindergarten No. 10 in Płock devoted to road safety was held in late September and early October (ORLEN Serwis);
- A library for ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych employees – an employee library opened at ORLEN Centrum Usług Korporacyjnych at the end of September 2020. It has been made as a simple book exchange, which is a perfect solution for those who want to swap books they have read for books they want to read.
Activitiesunder the Charitable Giving Policy
In accordance with its Charitable Giving Policy, in 2020 PKN ORLEN implemented and supported initiatives aligned with the four priorities outlined in the document ‘ORLEN for the environment, ORLEN for society, ORLEN for safety and health, ORLEN for sports, education and culture’. The Charitable Giving Policy is an important part of corporate social responsibility, as a tool supporting the Company in its role as a responsible corporate citizen and employer, member of the local community, and good neighbour. The ORLEN Group not only initiates and carries out charity activities, but also participates in such initiatives as a partner.

The ORLEN Foundation, established in 2001 to fulfil the social responsibility mission of its founder, PKN ORLEN, plays an important role in pursuing these objectives.
Since its inception, the Foundation has provided comprehensive assistance to Foster Care Homes by funding scholarships, trips during summer and winter holidays, additional tuition and rehabilitation care for children, covering the cost of dwelling repairs or redecorations, or financing fuel cards. At the moment the Foundation provides assistance to children from more than 300 such homes. In 2020, the ORLEN Foundation launched a new grant programme called ‘A Computer for a Foster Family Group Home’. It provided funds to buy computers for foster family group homes to help the children learn at home while their schools are closed. Each foster family group home cooperating with the Foundation could apply for a grant of up to PLN 3,000 for the purchase of electronic equipment. The support was received by nearly 200 homes.
The ORLEN Foundation donated over PLN 500 thousand to foster family group homes to purchase electronic equipment as a home education aid. The funds were used, among other things, to purchase notebook and desktop computers, tablets or computer accessories. The Foundation runs numerous scholarship programmes, both for children of ORLEN Group employees and forstudents from Płock and the surrounding area. The aim of such initiatives is to help young people in their education and pursuit of their passions, improve their motivation, and also encourage their social involvement, e.g., through volunteer work. In 2020, the ORLEN Foundation, together with its partners: the Lotos Foundation, J.K. Steczkowski BGK Foundation and Energa Foundation, ran a third edition of the BONA FIDE scholarship programme.
Under the programme, the Foundation supports second- and third-degree students at a foreign university ranked among the world’s top 50 academic institutions (the Shanghai List). The Foundation’s mission is to support world-class development and education of people who have the potential of becoming future leaders in various sectors of the economy or public administration. In 2020, the ORLEN Foundation continued three grant programmes. In addition to the two decades-old ‘ORLEN for Firefighters’, there were two programmes launched in 2018: ‘My Place on Earth’, which encourages local communities to make a difference for the better in their immediate surroundings, and ‘We keep watch! We remember!’, in which foundations, associations or local institutions commemorate national heroes, restoring memorial sites dedicated to often forgotten heroes of local fights for Poland’s independence. In the third edition of the ‘My Place on Earth’ project, the ORLEN Foundation received a record number of almost 3,000 applications. Grants to fund the proposed projects, ranging from PLN 5,000 to PLN 20,000, went to various common interest societies, farmers’ wives associations, schools, libraries, sports clubs, parishes and other beneficiaries. The initiatives for the benefit of local communities were evaluated by independent experts. In 2020, the Foundation co-financed 300 projects. For 20 years, PKN ORLEN and the ORLEN Foundation have supported the State Fire Service and voluntary fire brigades.In 2020, new questions were added in the application form, with applicants required to state the type of equipment owned by their unit and the number of emergency calls responded to during a calendar year. This was to help pick out projects with the greatest potential to improve public safety in local communities. The modifications allowed the Foundation to award larger grants to applicants who demonstrated the need for additional new equipment. A total of 185 units received just under PLN 3m of grants,which they used to purchase necessary equipment. Thanks to regular support from the ORLEN Foundation, over the last two decades fire brigades have been equipped with the necessary equipment to fight fires and respond to natural disasters, as well as equipment used in road, technical, medical, chemical, environmental and rope rescue operations.

The Foundation rolled out its employee volunteering programme in 2020.
The ORLEN Group’s sixteen-year history of corporate volunteering shows the growing interest in social activism. Employees who submit a volunteering idea may receive a PLN 3,000 grant and a day off work to pursue their project. The employees who showed the greatest commitment to charitable initiatives were distinguished by the ORLEN Foundation with the title of Volunteer of the Year 2020.
Furthermore, the ORLEN Foundation pursues its statutory objectives by granting donations to other entities. In 2020, it focused its efforts under the donation programme on countering the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic. It provided in-kind and financial support to entities responsible for combating the pandemic, including medical and uniformed services and hospitals tasked with saving the life and health of infected people, as well as the staff and charges of nursing homes.
The CSR initiatives of PKN ORLEN and the ORLEN Foundation also engage members of the VITAY loyalty scheme and users of the YANOSIK application. They choose to donate their points to social causes, including assistance to foster family group homes or environmental projects.
No donations were made to political parties, politicians or similar institutions in 2020. In line with its Charitable Giving Policy, PKN ORLEN will not review requests for donations from trade unions, employers' organisations, professional self-governments, sports clubs operating as companies under commercial law, as well as political parties and their foundations or associations.
The ORLEN Group also operates other corporate foundations – the ANWIL Foundation, Energa Foundation and Unipetrol Foundation.
More information on the implementation of the CSR Strategy in individual areas can be found in the ‘Report on Non-Financial Information of the ORLEN Group and PKN ORLEN S.A.’.
The key performance indicators in the social area are in the ‘Social Capital’ section.