GRI Disclosures:

In response to the energy transition, ORLEN2030 will evolve into a more sustainable multi-utility business.

Sustainable upstreamproduction Renewable energy Efficient refining New mobility Integrated and advancedpetrochemical production Recycling and biofuels Low-carbon conventionalpower generation Hydrogen Integrated retail New formats and services Excellence in existingbusiness lines Entry into new promisingbusiness segments

Building a multi-utility group requires that our current portfolio be complemented with new, promising business areas.

Pillars of the ORLEN Group's growth and transformation until 2030 Excellence in existingbusiness lines Entry into newsegments Efficientrefining Consolidation of assets,maximising oil conversiob,efficiency improvement Development of biofuelsand alternative fuels(e.g. hydrogen) Integratedand advancedpetrochemicalproduction Expansion of basicchemicals and newadvanced chemicalscapacity Development in recycling Low-carbon energy Development in gas-basedpower generation Rapid development in RES,hydrogen and energystorage Integrated retail Further expansion ofthe retail networkand non-fuel business New comprehensiveservices and formats,brand strenghtening Sustainableupstream production Investment in integratedassets and bargainacquisitions Sustainable portfolioof assets, mainly gas

Under the new strategy, our growth is based on key pillars of business segment management.

Energyas the main growth area: investment in renewables and gas-fired capacities

Our key growth area over the next decade will be energy, based mainly on renewables and supported by gas-fired sources. By 2030, we intend to achieve over 2.5 GW of installed RES capacity (attributable to the ORLEN Group’s interests), including 1.7 GW in offshore wind farms and 0.8 GW in onshore (wind power and solar PV) sources. We will also increase the installed capacity of our modern gas-fired power plants from today’s 1.1 GW to over 2.0 GW. The generation capacity will be supported by the Group’s extensive and modern distribution network, allowing it to reach a broad base of retail customers and generating a steady stream of profits. The Group will also build energy storage facilities on a pilot basis to optimise the costs of electricity distribution.

Energy: we are set to become a leader in energy transition in Poland and in the region,generating from low- and zero-carbon sources New investment in networkasset expansion and upgrades Broad portfolioof distribution assetsgenerating stable profits Focus on cost effectivenessand digital transformation 1 Investment in offshore windfarms (1.7 GW in 2030) Regional leaderin renewable energy Investment in onshore windfarms and PV plants(0.8 GW in 2030) Pilot energy storage facilitiesand hydrogen systems foroffshore and onshore RES(electrolysis) Expansion of CCGT units (includingin Ostrołęka and possibly Gdańsk) Leadeing playerin gas-fired power generation
strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-13 Power generation: our projects will deliver a fivefold increase in installed RES capacity by 2030 0.5 GW >2.5 GW 5.0x RES capacity PLN 1.6bn ~PLN 7bn >4.0x EBITDA LIFO 1.1 GW >2.0 GW >1.8x Gas-fired capacity 2021-2030 average PLN 4.7bn CAPEX strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-13

Petrochemicalspetrochemical capacity expansion, specialty products and recycling

By 2030, around a half of our profits from crude oil processing will be derived from the petrochemical business. Expansion of the existing portfolio and entry into new business areas will help entrench our position as a leading petrochemical producer in Central Europe. PKN ORLEN is set to ramp up its capacities in olefins and other base products. It will also solidify its position in polymers – a business line with attractive growth potential – by extending the value chain and entering into compounding and concentrates. Concurrently, the share of speciality high-margin products (such as phenol and aromatic derivatives) in the Group’s portfolio will grow from 16% to approximately 25%. Recycling and biomaterials will be new branches of the petrochemical segment. By 2030, we will expand our recycling capacity (mainly in plastics) up to 0.4 million tonnes. We will also implement advanced circular economy technologies.

Petrochemicals: we plan continued investment in new capacities, with a focus on specialty products and recycling One of Europe'slargest integratedpetrochemical producers Expansion of olefinsand other basic productsfor further development ofadvanced products Presence in advancedpetrochemicals Expanding positionsin specialty products,including phenol,aromatic derivatives, etc. Strong positionin polymers Strenghtening positionin polymers Extension of the value chainto include e.g. compoundingand concentrates Strong positionin mechanicaland chemical recyclingand biomaterials Building footholdin sustainable development:recycling of plastics,development of waste-to-energy Constructipn of a lactic acid unit
strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-12 Petrochemicals: we are set to become one of Europe's largest integrated petrochemical producersand expand our recycling business >1.6x Share of specialityproducts in theportfolio PLN 2.3bn ca. PLN 7bn >3.0x EBITDA LIFO 0m tonnes 0.3-0.4m tonnes Plastics recyclingcapacity 2021-2030 average PLN 4.4bn CAPEX strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-12

Refiningmaintaining the position of a leading regional refiner with major investment into biofuels

Until 2030, refining will remain an important segment of our business. Its transformation will be driven by energy efficiency improvements, increased crude conversion rates and integration with Grupa LOTOS, the Group’s major domestic peer. Expansion of the biofuel and hydrogen fuel output will be another vital driver. Within the coming decade, the Group will emerge as the region’s leading producer of biofuels (including 2G biofuels), with an annual capacity of 2m tonnes. As part of the strategy, work will be continued on the Group’s hydrogen hub projects in Włocławek and Płock, and steps will be taken to launch green hydrogen production.

Continued efforts to maximiseenergy efficiency, cost optimisation and oil conversion Development of emissionreduction initiatives Selective upgrades andconfiguration improvements Regional leaderin efficientrefining Player effectivelyleveragiongintegration systems Integration of refiningoperations after the potentialLOTOS acquisition Optimised production and logistics at the Group level Major producer of biofuelsand alternative fuels Development of hydrogen productionand sales capabilities Significant increase in biofueloutput, including secondgeneration biofuels (HVO, co-HVO,UCOME, bioethanol from lignocellulose, biomethane) Refining: we will manage an integrated and efficient refining businessand further expand the biofuel business
strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-11 Refining: we will remain Central Europe's leader in efficient refining Biofuelsproductioncapacities ~0.3m tonnes ~2m tonnes >6x PLN 2.8bn ~PLN 7bn >2.5x EBITDA LIFO -20% Reduction of CO2emissions fromrefining CAPEX 2021-2030 average PLN 2.4bn strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-11

Retailexpansion of the retail network and non-fuel segment

The strategic vision is to vigorously develop our retail arm, based on the network expansion and significant additions to the retail offering. By 2030, the number of Polish ORLEN-branded service stations operating throughout the region will be at least 3,500. Expansion of the ORLEN retail network will focus mainly on foreign markets, with the share of foreign locations up from the current 37% to 45%. We will seek to enhance the availability of alternative fuels, by deploying at least 1,000 EV fast chargers and increasing the sales of hydrogen and LNG/CNG. Our broad, integrated offering of non-fuel products and services will keep attracting new customer groups. Based on the RUCH countrywide chain of newsagents, we will expand our store and food service formats beyond service stations, and will also develop our own network of parcel pick-up points and e-commerce services. Integration with the Energa Group will help ORLEN develop comprehensive service centres for both retail and business customers, encompassing fuel and electricity sales as well as distributed energy solutions. Delivery of the initiatives outlined in the strategy will drive a 50% increase in gross non-fuel margin relative to 2019.

Regional leader in fuel retail Expanding the service station network organicallyand through acquisitions(if attractive M&A targetsare available) in existingand potentially new markets Increasing the number ofcustomer touchpoints,including parcel pick-up points Expanding non-service-stationbusiness through new formatsand e-commerce Expanding the alternative New growth platformsmaking for an integratedretail offering Continous servicequality improvement Optimisation and digitalisation Integration with the Energa Groupas a starting point in buildingcomprehensive customerservice Further rollouts withinthe food and conveniencestore offering Retail: we will significantly strenghten our retail network in the region,largely expanding our non-fuel business
strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-14 Retail: we will significantly strenghten our retail network in the region,largely expanding our non-fuel business 100% ~150% or more 1.5x Gross non-fuelmargin growth 2019 2030 PLN 3.1bn ~PLN 5bn >1.5x EBITDA LIFO ~37% >1.2x >45% Share of foreign sitesin the total numberof service stations PLN 1.1bn 2021-2030 average CAPEX strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-14

Upstreama sustainable portfolio growth, with a focus on natural gas assets

The strategy envisages prudent expansion of the production asset portfolio, with a special focus on natural gas reserves and potential restoration of the existing portfolio of production assets after merger with Grupa LOTOS. The ORLEN Group will also expand its existing operations in Poland. We will pursue growth in upstream while continuously maximising asset value and driving operational excellence.

Upstream: we will ensure sustainable portfolio growth, with a focus on natural gas assetsd Extensive portfolio ofnatural gas assets Cautious expansion ofthe upstream portfolio, witha special focus on natural gas reserves Potential rebuilding of the existing portfolio ofupstream assets afterLOTOS is acquired Expansion of currentoperations in Poland Start of productionfrom fieldsunder development Prioritisation of selectedprojects Maximising value fromupstream assets and production Increasing competitivenessthroug operationalexcellence and digitalsolutions in upstream Production in Canada in line with the self-financing logic
strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-10 Upstream: we will be able to better cover our hydrocarbon demand with our own production Coverageof internalgas demand PLN 0.2bn PLN 1bn >5.0x EBITDA LIFO ~18 kboe/d >2.5x ~50 kboe/d Hydrocarbonproduction,daily CAPEX PLN 0.9bn 2021-2030 average If the PGNiG acquisition is succesfully completed and business expansion materialises, we will review our production portfolio. strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-10

Sustainable developmentof the ORLEN Group

The ORLEN Group’s strategy until 2030 sets the long-term objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Our 2030 CO2 reduction targets are 20% less emissions from the existing refining and petrochemical assets and 33% less emissions per MWh from the energy business. We will spend PLN 30bn on sustainable development projects, with over PLN 25bn to be allocated to measures aimed at reducing our carbon footprint. 

strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-8 Drive decarbonisation andimprove energy efficiency Drive development in renewable energy Expand biofuealand biomaterial capacities Drive development in recycling Build footholds in alternative fuels:e-mobility, hydrogen, CNG/LNG PLN bn in CAPEX for sustainable development,including over PLN 25bn on projectsto reduce CO2 emissions Over strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-8
strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-7 Sustainable development initiatives are an integral part of the ORLEN2030 strategy Investments in the RESportfolio and biofuels >2.5 GWof renewable energy Further reduction ofworkplace accident rates (TRR) TRR <1.5 Monitoring of the value chainand suppliersin terms of ESGcompliance Decarbonisation -20% CO2emissions reduction Collaboration withlocal producers Strenghteningthe segment-basedoperating model Entry into recycling and biomaterials ~0.3m tonnesof recycling capacity Caring for localcommunities Supporting diversity and talentmanagement ORLEN Group'sengagement to sustainable development reflectedin further ratingupgrades strategiczne-kierunki-rsbgo-7

Major R&Dand digitisation investment

Pursuit of our strategic objectives will also require changes within the organisation. Over the next decade, we will spend approximately PLN 3bn (ca. 3% of our overall growth capex budget) on research, development and innovation, as a key area of its necessary transformation. The funds will be used to develop the Corporate Venture Capital fund and finance the activities of the ORLEN Research & Development Centre, among other projects. Another essential element will be the digital transformation, driving efficiency gains in production and distribution, helping mitigate the environmental footprint and strengthening customer relations. We will put in place a new management model, tailored to the scale of the Group’s operations and taking into account the ongoing acquisition processes. We will be an organisation relying on knowledge and versatile competences, investing in talent and human capital.

Further growthfrom stable financial foundations

The strategy is also designed to ensure stable financial foundations for our business. Our value will be built by profitable investment projects, sustainable funding sources and a robust balance sheet. Having capped our net debt/EBITDA ratio at 2.5x, we will align the Group’s CAPEX plans with its current financing capabilities. We will rely on a balanced mix of funding sources with current cash flows supported by an additional debt capacity. We will also use alternative funding sources, such as project finance, EU funding for innovation and energy transition projects, and engaging with external partners who would co-fund selected projects. Projects aligned directly with the Group’s carbon neutrality goal will be partly financed through green and sustainable bonds issued on the European capital market.

The strategy is expected to drive a two-and-a-half-fold increase in EBITDA, to approximately PLN 26bn in 2030. The energy, petrochemical and refining segments will each generate EBITDA of approximately PLN 7bn, the retail segment – EBITDA of around PLN 5bn and the upstream segment – EBITDA of ca. PLN 1bn.

EBITDA growth [PLN bn] 9.0 ORLENGroup2019 Acquisitions(ENERGA, possibly LOTOS) Strategic growth ORLENGroup2030 4.0 13.0 ~26.0 > 2.5x ORLENGroup2019 Refining Petro-chemicals Energy Retail Upstream ORLENGroup2030 EBITDA growth,by operating segment [PLN bn] +4.0 +5.0 +5.0 +2.0 +1.0 ~26.0 9.0

Presentation of the ORLEN Group’s 2030 strategy is available at

ORLEN Group Integrated Report

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