Main production assetsof the ORLEN Group

ORLEN Group refining assets and key competitors in CEE / processing capacity [million tonnes]

12.0 12.0 10.5 16.3 10.2 5.4 3.3 12.0 6.1 8.1 Bratislava


  • The total production capacities of the ORLEN Group refineries are 35.2 million tonnes.
    The refinery in Płock is one of the most advanced integrated refining facilities in Central and Eastern Europe, with a production capacity of 16.3 million tonnes/year
    In the first quarter of 2023, PKN ORLEN intends to put a new Visbreaking unit in service. The project will improve its crude oil processing efficiency and increase the share of high-margin products.
  • The other Polish refineries, operating as the ORLEN Południe Group in Trzebinia and Jedlicze, manufacture biofuel components, base oils and heating oils, and regenerate spent oils.
  • The ORLEN Lietuva refinery in Mažeikiai has an annual production capacity of 10.2 million tonnes and is the only such facility in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia).
  • The Unipetrol Group operates refineries in Kralupy and Litvínov, with a combined annual production capacity of 8.7 million tonnes.

Keyoperational data

Oil processing and fuel yields Source: In-house analysis light distillates medium distillates 2020 2019 81% 81% 35% 36% 46% 45% Unipetrol 2020 2019 75% 74% 29% 31% 45% 44% ORLEN Lietuva 2020 2019 29,485 33,879 ORLEN Group Oil processing 2020 2019 82% 84% 34% 34% 50% 48% PKN ORLEN Fuel yields

Volume of crude processed bythe ORLEN Group in 2020: 29.5 million tonnes – a decrease of (13.0)% year on year, including:

  • Poland – a decrease of (5.6)% year on year as a result of an increased scope of overhauls and the resulting shutdowns of Crude Oil Destilation Unit III (CDU) and VI, Hydrocracking, Hydrogen, HON V and VII, Fluidal Catalytic Cracking II (FCC)and PTA units.
  • Czech Republic – a decrease of (22.6)% year on year as a result of lower market demand for Medium distillates and maintenance shutdowns of the Kralupy and Litvinov refineries.
  • Lithuania – a decrease of (17.5)% year on year, mainly due to adverse macroeconomic conditions.

ORLEN Group’smarket share

Wholesale of refining products

In 2020, the ORLEN Group was involved in wholesale distribution of refining products in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Ukraine, and in Western Europe, where products were delivered to transhipment terminals by sea. The ORLEN Group’s home markets are Poland, Lithuania and the Czech Republic. The ORLEN Group has an extensive portfolio of refining products, including gasolines, diesel oil, aviation fuel, light and heavy heating oil, bitumen, engine oils and a wide range of non-fuel products and intermediates.

Share in the fuel market in Poland Source: In-house analysis 2019 2020 56.0% 52.8% Fuels total -3.2 p.p. 2019 2020 65.3% 62.7% Gasoline -2.6 p.p. 2019 2020 53.5% 50.2% Diesel -3.3 p.p.

The Group’s share in the fuel market declined by (3.2) p.p. to 52.8%, driven by the macroeconomic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which significantly reduced the demand for fuels in Poland; increase in importers' activity, mainly in the first half of the year, related to the period of particularly low quotations for the purchase of products from abroad and offering a cheaper product on the market, and supply problems as a result of the failure of the refinery in Płock in IV quarter of 2020.

Source: In-house analysis Share in the fuel market in the Czech Republic 2019 2020 60.8% 54.2% Fuels total -6.6 p.p. 2019 2020 64.3% 63.6% Gasoline -0.7 p.p. 2019 2020 59.7% 51.4% Diesel -8.3 p.p.
  • The ORLEN Group is the leader in fuel sales in the Czech Republic.
  • The Group’s share in the Czech market decreased by (6.6) p.p. to 54.2%, mainly as a result of COVID-19 restrictions which affected the economy, resulting in a lower demand for fuels, and heavy fluctuation of quotations as well as supply problems due to prolonged shutdowns of Kralupy and Litvinov.
Source: In-house analysis Share in the fuel market in baltic states 2019 2020 75.2% 77.1% Fuels total +1.9 p.p. 2019 2020 77.3% 74.6% Gasoline -2.7 p.p. 2019 2020 74.9% 77.5% Diesel a data-name="Group 4308" transform="translate(563,75)"> +2.6 p.p.
  • The ORLEN Lietuva Group reinforced its position as the market leader in the Baltic States despite strong price pressures from Finnish, Belarusian and Russian suppliers.
  • Its total share in Baltic markets increased by 1.9 p.p. to 77.1%, mainly due to increase of share in diesel oil market in Lithuanian by 1.5 p.p. to 77.3% and Estonia by 1.4 p.p. to 79,8%.

Refiningsales volumes

In 2020, the ORLEN Group’s Refining sales totalled 23,560 thousand tonnes, down 14.5% on 2019. The lower sales of refining products across all markets are mainly attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic, which reduces the consumption of fuels.

Sales of the ORLEN Group Refining segment [PLN million / '000 tonnes ]




% change












Light distillates1)







Medium distillates2)







Heavy fractions3)





















) Gasoline, LPG.

2) Diesel oil, light fuel oil, aviation fuel.
3) Heavy fuel oil, bitumen, oils.
4) Other – includes chiefly brine and salt separated.

Revenue structure of the ORLEN Group Refining segment

Structure of sales revenues of the ORLEN Group in the Refinery segment 62.2% 63.5% 11.4% 11.3% 5.4% 3.8% 21.0% 21.4% Medium distillatesLight distillatesHeavy fractionsOther 2020 2019

In 2020, 2019 none of the ORLEN Group’s leading customers accounted for more than 10% of the Group’s total revenue.

Sales marketsand market shares

Sales volumes of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in home markets1) [‘000 tonnes]





% change











Baltic States and Ukraine





Czech Republic










1) by country of establishment of the relevant company.

Polish market

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on fuel consumption in Poland. Markets for almost all fuels shrank, including by about (8)% for gasolines and (4)% for diesel oil. The strongest decline was seen in the aviation fuel segment, where consumption decreased by approximately (57)% year on year, and even by (87)% in the peak period of the pandemic in the second quarter of the year. The strong macroeconomic downturn, mainly due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the resulting demand shock, combined with a global increase in stocks of fuels and crude oil, put a considerable pressure on margins, which are expected to gradually recover in 2021 and 2022. For GDP and fuel consumption data,see section ‘Macroeconomic Envionment’.

PKN ORLEN remained the main supplier of major foreign fuel companies operating in Poland (BP, Shell, Amic), while expanding its activity on the market of end customers, supplying fuel to a growing number of SMEs through ORLEN Paliwa.

Sales volumes of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in Poland [‘000 tonnes]





% change






Light distillates





Medium distillates





Heavy fractions















Sales structure of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in Poland

Structure of sales volume of the ORLEN Group in the Refinery segment on the Polish market 48.1% 50.5% 15.2% 15.6% 24.3% 21.7% 12.4% 12.2% Medium distillatesLight distillatesHeavy fractionsOther 2020 2019

In 2020, the ORLEN Group’s sales in Poland were 12,479 thousand tonnes, down by (1,764) thousand tonnes (y/y). The drop was attributable to lower sales across all product groups, including mainly Medium distillates down by (16.5)% (y/y). The decline was most pronounced in aviation fuels down by as much as (60)% (y/y). However, despite demand constraints, PKN ORLEN continued into-plane fuel sales and supplies to strategic customers, including the Polish Army. PKN ORLEN also continued to produce and sell the JP-8 aviation fuel to the US Army forces stationed in Poland. Large military exercises ‘Defender 2020’ drove demand for battlefield fuels. 2020 saw the launch of PKN ORLEN's branch in the Czech Republic, which helped expand the aviation fuel sales business and, as a result, brought benefits from expanding aviation fuel sales to new customers (including intermediaries and recreational flying providers). The consumption of light fuel oil remained stable in 2019, mainly due to lower prices and the need to work remotely during winter.

Sales of light distillates in the Refining segment alone dropped by (11)% (y/y). LPG and gasoline sales fell, respectively, by (15)% and (10)% (y/y), mainly as a result of mobility restrictions imposed in spring and the need to work from home. Year-on-year consumption of those fuels went down by (36)% during the full lockdown, but grew in the summer holiday period (above the 2019 figure), driven by restrictions on international traffic and increased popularity of holiday trips within Poland.

In 2020, sales of heavy fractions went down by (14.9)% (y/y), including mainly low margin heavy fuel oil down by (24)% (y/y), with bitumen sales up by 7% (y/y).
As of January 1st 2020, the sulfur content cap for bunker fuels (also outside the Emission Control Areas) has been reduced from 3.5% to 0.5%. Following introduction of the IMO 2020 regulations, PKN ORLEN launched a product with lower sulfur content (LSFO), which had a positive effect on the Company’s performance.

Lower fuel consumption made in necessary to optimise the structure of supplies; the volume of diesel oil and gasolines purchased by PKN ORLEN in 2020 fell by (33)% and (9)%, respectively.

The Baltic States and Ukraine

Data regarding GDP and consumption of fuels on Lithuanian market is presented in section 'Macroeconomic Environment'.

2020 saw a drop in demand for diesel oil in each of the Baltic States. Year on year, diesel oil consumption in Lithuania and Latvia fell, respectively, by (1.6)% and (4.9)%, and in Estonia by as much as (20.3)%, despite an adjustment to excise duty in connection with the COVID-19-induced crisis. In line with the long-term trend, demand for gasoline shrank by (4.6)% in Latvia and by (14)% in Estonia (y/y). On the other hand, consumption of 98 gasoline increased year on year by an impressive 26% in 2020, mainly driven by local motorists’ unwillingness to buy fuels with biocomponents. After a series of declines in gasoline consumption in Lithuania, 2020 was a third consecutive year which saw a increase in consumption (of 2.4%) (y/y).

The ORLEN Group enjoys a strong position on the Lithuanian market thanks to its refinery (the only one in the Baltic States) and a robust logistics chain. ORLEN Lietuva is a supplier for most of the key players on the local market. However, the Baltic States are attractive markets for Scandinavian, Russian and Belarusian fuel producers. The Scandinavian countries and Belarus have large surpluses of diesel oil and gasolines, and are constantly looking for opportunities to place the fuels abroad.

Sales volumes of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in markets served by ORLEN Lietuva ['000 tonnes]





% change






Light distillates





Medium distillates





Heavy fractions















Sales structure of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in markets served by ORLEN Lietuva

Structure of the sales volume of the ORLEN Group in the Refinery segmenton the markets served by the ORLEN Lietuva Group 47.8% 45.5% 19.2% 22.1% 3.5% 3.1% 29.5% 29.3% Medium distillatesLight distillatesHeavy fractionsOther 2020 2019

Due to a challenging operating environment resulting from the absence of deliveries to seaports caused by production constraints triggered by the negative macro effect, aggressive competitive policies of importers and the adverse effect of COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 the sales volumes of the ORLEN Lietuva Group’s Refining segment decreased by (14.5)% (y/y), to 7,259 thousand tonnes. Middle distillate sales fell by (10.2)% (y/y) on the back of a significant drop in sales of Jet A-1 aviation fuel, by (60.4)% (y/y). Diesel oil sales went down by (3.6)% (y/y) . Sales of light distillates declined by (13.8)% (y/y), including a (13.9)% (y/y) drop in gasoline sales. In 2020, sales of heavy fractions fell by (26.0)% (y/y), including bitumens down (4.2)% (y/y).

The Ukrainian market is open to suppliers from other countries, which results in increased competition. ORLEN Lietuva has long-term relationships and contracts with all major retail chains operating on the Ukrainian market. A vital element of the ORLEN Group's strategy was to build the image of a stable supplier, independent of the geopolitical situation in the region, who sticks to its commitments even when faced with serious macroeconomic headwinds. As a result, ORLEN is perceived as a modern, reliable and stable European company. ORLEN Lietuva's important advantage on the Ukrainian market consists in its quickness of response, stability of supplies and speed of logistics operations, which allows the company to compete with alternative suppliers. The Ukrainian market is undergoing significant changes, and ORLEN Lietuva keeps adapting its strategy to what the competitors are doing, taking also into account developments at the Mažeikiai refinery (margins, production and stock levels).Data regarding GDP and consumption of fuels in section ‘Macroeconomic Environment’.


Czech and Slovak markets

The COVID-19 pandemic had an immensely negative impact on the Czech economy and export markets. The country’s economy strongly depends on the automotive industry. Prolonged production stoppage and suppressed demand for passenger cars in 2020 led to an economic slowdown and reduced demand for transport. The unfavourable macroeconomic climate and market conditions (GDP and consumption levels) had a material effect on the ORLEN Group’s sales performance in the Czech Republic and was presented in section ‘Macroeconomic Environment’.

Sales volumes of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in the Czech market ['000 tonnes]





% change






Light distillates





Medium distillates





Heavy fractions















Sales structure of the ORLEN Group Refining segment in the Czech Republic

Structure of sales volume of the ORLEN Group in the Refinery segment on the Czech market 60.8% 60.5% 12.6% 13.9% 4.5% 4.6% 22.1% 21.0% Medium distillatesLight distillatesHeavy fractionsOther 2020 2019

In 2020, the Unipetrol Group’s sales volumes fell by (20.6)% (y/y), to 3,822 thousand tonnes. Middle distillate sales fell by (20.4)% (y/y), mainly on the back of a (78.9)% (y/y) decrease in sales of Jet A-1 aviation fuel. Sales of diesel oil declined by (18.7)% (y/y) due to the pandemic. In addition, sales of diesel oil were adversely affected by maintenance shutdowns in Litvínov and Kralupy in the first half of 2020 and in late November and early December in Kralupy, as well as problems with the FCC unit in December 2020. Sales of light distillates went down by (16.5)% (y/y), including mainly a (15.2)% (y/y) drop in gasoline sales. Despite lower demand, the Unipetrol Group maintained a 63.4% market share (down by a mere (0.9) p.p. (y/y)).

In 2020, the Unipetrol Group continued selling its products to a broad customer base, including large fuel companies and hypermarket chains. Unipetrol sold its products on foreign markets: Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria and Poland, as part of the strategy to optimise product flow management within the Group.

PKN ORLEN continued its aircraft refuelling operations at the airport in Prague with fuel supplied by Unipetrol. In 2020 the demand for Jet A-1 fuel declined sharply; airport traffic at the Prague airport was very low for most of the year.

Gasoline and diesel oil consumption in Slovakia decreased; the pandemic led to a decline in sales of both gasoline and diesel oil at Unipetrol SK.

In 2020, fuel consumption in Hungary also fell year on year, although Unipetrol HU's market share in 2020 remained largely unchanged compared with the previous year due to more active and effective operations on the wholesale market and a new sales strategy, which allowed the company to reach a larger number of small and medium-sized customers. Despite the challenging environment, Unipetrol HU managed to slightly increase its gasoline and diesel oil sales.

All the markets on which the Unipetrol Group is present expect to gradually go back to the pre-pandemic normal. It is necessary to rebuild market shares to maintain the required sales levels. Unipetrol will strengthen its presence on the Slovak market as Benzina intends to continue expanding its retail network.

ORLEN Group Integrated Report

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