
Having integrated all links of its value chain, the ORLEN Group is able to effectively coordinate them, which helps it achieve a lasting competitive advantage, especially in changing market conditions.

How we built the value of the ORLEN Groupin 2020

Governance Building the value of the ORLEN Group Natural capital Social capital Human capital Intellectual capital Manufactured capital Financial capital Performance 17.1 million Mg of emissions 331.8 mcm of water withdrawn 291.6 Mg of waste generated 304.1 mcm of effluents discharged Electricity and heat generation fromconventional and renewable sources: Net electricity generation 8.9 TWh Electricity generation from renewable sources 0.8 TWh More than 50 refining and petrochemicalproducts Crude throughput at the ORLEN Group 29,485k tonnes Sales of refining and petrochemical products and goods 38,260k tonnes Leader in retail fuel sales in Central Europe ORLEN Group’s share in the fuel market 15.7% Sales volume 8.8m tonnes 2P oil and gas reserves: 174.0 mboe Issue of 10,000 sustainable development bonds with a value of PLN 1bn Dividend paid out: PLN 0.4bn, or PLN 1.00 per share Outcomes LIFO EBITDA1 of PLN 12.4bn More than 0.5 GWe of installed electrical capacity and close to 0.1 GWt of installed thermal capacity from RES Water reused: 2.1 mcm Capital expenditure on environ-mental protection: EUR 66.6m More than 33,000 employees (after acquisition of the Energa Group) Reduction of the turnover ratio to 7.7% Further improvement of personal and process safety indicators: TRR 0.72, T1PSER 0.05 No fatal accidents at work involving employees Inputs Outputs Retail Upstream Petrochemicals Refining Energy Business Model Strategy and Resource Allocation Risks and Opportunities Natural capital Social capital Intellectual capital Human capital Manufactured capital Financial capital External environment Values and Standards of Conduct 1Earnings before depreciation and amortisation net of the effect of crude price movements on the value of inventories.

In 2020, we opened a new chapter in the ORLEN Group’s history. The directions of our development are set out in the ORLEN2030 strategy , which is a response to global trends. We are building a new multi-utility group capable of successfully competing at a time of major transformational change. The business segments being our strongest suit today will require a profound transformation.

Over the recent years, we have taken consistent steps to effectively strengthen the Group, preparing it for the imminent transformation. We will spend approximately PLN 140 billion on strategic objectives, which will generate a total of PLN 195 billion in EBITDA over the next 10 years. The diversified business will provide financial stability and will enable us to consistently build shareholder value. ORLEN2030 will be an effective integrated organisation relying on clean technologies and zero-carbon energy sources.

ORLEN Group Integrated Report

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