Orlen Integrated Report 2020
Orlen Integrated Report 2020
The ORLEN Group and its environment
Our report
Concept and key functionalities
Relevance matrix
GRI content index
Auditor’s opinion
Letter from the President of the Management Board
About the ORLEN Group
Shares and shareholding structure
Values and Standards of Conduct
Business model
Research and development
Operating segments
Logistics assets
Supply sources
Corporate Functions
Our products, services and brands
Our markets
Our capitals
Financial capital
Human Capital
Manufactured capital
Intellectual capital
Social capital
Natural capital
Value creation
Our environment
Our stakeholders
Macroeconomic environment
Market environment
Competitive environment
Regulatory environment
Organisations and associations
Governance principles
Letter from the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board
Remuneration of Management and Supervisory Board Members
ORLEN Group structure
Corporate governance
Corporate governance rules
Control, Risk Management and Compliance System
Amendments to the Articles of Association
General Meeting
Management and supervisory bodies
Remuneration policy
Diversity policy
Integrated Management System
Our strategy
Strategic objectives until 2030
Strategic growth directions for the business segments
Summary of strategy implementation in 2020
Delivery of investment plans
Monitoring of strategy implementation
Market prospects in 2021
Human capital
Our responsibility
Our commitments
CSR strategy
How we pursue the Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Respecting human rights
Responsibility towards society
Employees and subcontractors
Responsible employer
Safety of employees and contractors
Counteracting corruption and bribery
Suppliers and customers
Responsibility towards suppliers
Responsibility towards customers
Environment and climate
Climate responsibility
Policies and internal regulations
Water and wastewater management
Air emissions
Capital expenditure
Biodiversity protection
Feedstocks and production processes
Energy management
Risks and opportunities
Risk management
Financial Results
Management's discussion and analysis of 2020 financial results
Consolidated financial statements
Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Consolidated statement of financial position
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Key information
Core business of the ORLEN Group
Basis of preparation of consolidated financial statements
Functional and presentation currency of the financial statements and currency translation rules applied to financial data for consolidation purposes
Accounting principles
Effect of changes to IFRSs on the consolidated financial statements of the ORLEN Group
Differences between data disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and previously prepared and published financial statements
ORLEN Group structure
Financial condition of the Group
Impact of coronavirus pandemic on the orlen group’s operations
Financial and operating results
Segment data
Business segments
Revenues, costs, financial results, increases in non-current assets
Assets by operating segments and geographical areas
Notes and other information
Notes to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Notes to the statement of financial position
Explanatory notes to the financial instruments and financial risk
Other notes
Notes to the statement of cash flows
Outlook 2021 +
Financial Results
Notes and other information
Explanatory notes
to the consolidated financial statements
13. Explanatory notes to the consolidated financial statements
13.1. Sales revenues
13.2. Sales revenues by operating segments in division on assortments
13.3. Sales revenue geographical division - disclosed by customer’s premises countries
13.4. Revenue from contracts with customers by type of contract
13.5. Revenue from contracts with customers by date of transfer
13.6. Revenue from contracts with customers by duration of contract
13.7. Revenue from contracts with customers by sales channel
13.8. Costs
13.8.1. Cost of sales
13.8.2. Cost by nature
13.9. Other operating income
13.10. Other operating expenses
13.11. Finance income and costs
13.11.1. Finance income
13.11.2. Finance costs
13.12. (Loss)/reversal of loss due to impairment of trade receivables and of loans and interest on trade receivables
13.13. Tax expense
13.13.1. Reconciliation of effective tax rate
13.13.2. Deferred tax
14. Explanatory notes to the statement of financial position
14.1. Property, plant and equipment
14.2. Intangible assets
14.2.1. Rights
14.3. Investments in jointly controlled entities and associates
14.4. Impairment of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right-of-use assets
14.4.1. The main assumptions used in the impairment tests of assets as at 31 December 2020
14.4.2. Recognition and Reversal of impairment allowances of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, rights-of-use assets as at 31 December 2020
14.5. Net working capital
14.5.1. Inventories
14.5.2. Trade and other receivables Change in expected credit loss of trade receivables Ageing analysis of trade receivables and expected credit loss as at 31 December 2020
14.5.3. Trade and other liabilities
14.5.4. Change in liabilities from contracts with customers
14.6. Cash and cash equivalents
14.7. Loans, borrowings and bonds
14.7.1. Loans
14.7.2. Bonds
14.8. Net debt and equity management
14.8.1 Changes in liabilities from financing activities and net debt
14.8.2. Equity management policy
14.9. Equity
14.10. Derivatives and other assets and liabilities
14.11. Provisions
15. Explanatory notes to the cash flows
15.1. Foreign exchange gain/(loss)
15.2. Interest, net
15.3. (Profit)/Loss on investing activities
15.4. Change in provisions
15.5. Other adjustments
15.6. Income tax (paid)
15.7. Acquisition of shares lowered by cash
16. Explanatory notes to the financial instruments and financial risk
16.1. Financial instruments by category and class
16.2. Income, expenses, profit and loss and other comprehensive income
16.3. Fair value measurement
16.3.1. Methods applied in determining fair value (fair value hierarchy)
16.4. Hedge accounting
16.5. Risk identification
16.5.1. Commodity risk Risk of changes in the prices of refinery and petrochemical products and raw materials Risk of changes in
CO2 emission allowances
prices (CO2)
16.5.2. The risk of exchange rates changes
16.5.3. The risk of interest rates changes
16.5.4. Liquidity and credit risk
17. Other explanatory notes
17.1. Concessions held
17.2. Leases
17.2.1. Group as a lessee
17.2.2. Group as a lessor
17.3. Investment expenditures incurred and future commitments resulting from signed investment contracts
17.4. Contingent assets and liabilities
17.4.1. Contingent assets
17.4.2. Contingent liabilities
17.5. Excise tax guarantees
17.6. Related party transactions
17.6.1. Remuneration paid and due or potentially due to the members of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board of the Parent Company and other members of key executive personnel of the Parent Company and the ORLEN Group companies
17.6.2. ORLEN Group companies’ transactions and balances of settlements with related parties
17.6.3. Transactions with entities related to the State Treasury
17.7. Remuneration arising from the agreement with the entity authorized to conduct audit of the financial statements
Segment data
Events after the end of the reporting period
ORLEN Group Integrated Report
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