The ORLEN Group and its environment
- Our report
- ORLEN Group
- Our environment
- Governance principles
- Our strategy
- Our responsibility
- Environment and climate
- Risks and opportunities
Financial Results
- Management's discussion and analysis of 2020 financial results
- Consolidated financial statements
Key information
- Core business of the ORLEN Group
- Basis of preparation of consolidated financial statements
- Functional and presentation currency of the financial statements and currency translation rules applied to financial data for consolidation purposes
- Accounting principles
- Effect of changes to IFRSs on the consolidated financial statements of the ORLEN Group
- Differences between data disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and previously prepared and published financial statements
ORLEN Group structure
- Group structure
- Changes in shareholder structure of orlen group from 1 january to 31 december 2020
- Settlement of the acquisition of energa shares in accordance with ifrs 3 business combinations
- Settlement of the acquisition of ruch s.a. shares in accordance with ifrs 3 business combinations
- Change in the orlen group structure after the end of the reporting period
- Segment data
Notes and other information
Notes to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
- Sales revenues
- Sales revenues by operating segments in division on assortments
- Sales revenue geographical division - disclosed by customer’s premises countries
- Revenue from contracts with customers by type of contract
- Revenue from contracts with customers by date of transfer
- Revenue from contracts with customers by duration of contract
- Costs
- Other operating income
- Other operating expenses
- Finance income and costs
- (Loss)/reversal of loss due to impairment of trade receivables and of loans and interest on trade receivables
- Tax expense
- Revenue from contracts with customers by sales channel
Notes to the statement of financial position
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible assets
- Investments in jointly controlled entities and associates
- Impairment of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right-of-use assets
- Net working capital
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Loans, borrowings and bonds
- Net debt and capital management
- Equity
- Derivatives and other assets and liabilities
- Provisions
- Explanatory notes to the financial instruments and financial risk
Other notes
- Concessions held
- Leases
- Investment expenditures incurred and future commitments resulting from signed investment contracts
- Contingent assets and liabilities
- Excise tax guarantees
Related party transactions
- Remuneration paid and due or potentially due to the members of the management board, the supervisory board of the parent company and other members of key executive personnel of the parent company and the orlen group companies
- Orlen group companies’ transactions and balances of settlements with related parties
- Transactions with entities related to the state treasury
- Remuneration arising from the agreement with the entity authorized to conduct audit of the financial statements
- Notes to the statement of cash flows
Notes to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
- Financial condition of the Group
- Outlook 2021 +
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